Chapter 8

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Lauren POV

I know I have to make it up to Camz so I figured, I'd give her the one thing she can't resist.. food.

I order a bunch of bananas from room service, tie them together with a bow and write a tiny note.

I want to explain myself. I'm an ass I know and if you don't want to hear me out I get it. I hurt you and I don't deserve your forgiveness, I don't deserve you. It killed me yesterday to see you cry knowing that I was the reason. Please believe I would never purposely hurt you Camz. I just make bad choices sometimes because I let what others would think to cloud my judgment. I'm working on that Camzi I promise. But I really want to talk to you about something so if you are willing to give me a second chance meet me on the roof at 8.
Sincerely, Lauren
P.S you drive me "bananas" get it?

She has to forgive me after this... right?

I'm hoping she does. I wouldn't be able to handle Camz hating me. I want her to love me, like I love her.

I knock on the door, sit the bananas and note down and run back to my room getting ready for tonight.

Camila POV

There was a knock at the door and I look at the other two girls confused. They shrug their shoulders,too lazy to get up, so I get up to check who it was.

I didn't see anyone and I was beginning to close the door when I looked down.


I bend down and see the note. At least she can admit that she was being an ass. I chuckle when I see Lauren's pun about me driving her bananas.

"Chancho what was that?" I hear Dinah ask.

I walk in with a big smile on my face and a banana already half eaten.

"Where did you get a banana from?" Ally asks as she giggles.

"Lauuureeeenn" I say dragging out the letters. I feel like I am on cloud nine.

Dinah takes the paper out my hand and reads it as Ally sits behind Dinah reading as well.

"AWWW THIS IS SO CUTE!" Ally jumps up and down. I laugh and agree. I never knew Lauren had it in her.

"Wait! Is this a date!?! What do I wear!?!" I begin to panic but Dinah sits me down. "We'll get something nice but casual. Don't worry" she reassures me.

We spend the next few hours going over the do's and don'ts of a date and getting me ready.

I had extreme butterflies but in the back of my mind I was scared that she was going to tell me the kiss was a mistake and she wanted to distance ourselves.

By eight I'm dressed in black jeans, a white button-up and a black vest with a black studded bow. "Do you think she'll like it?" I ask.

"Yes now go!" The girls practically push me out the room.

I take a minute to compose myself.

It's just a date. You can do it. Don't be scared and nervous and don't mess it up. Also, don't stare too hard at Lauren. You don't want to creep her out on your first date, if this is a date.

I go up to the roof and when I step onto it my mouth drops open.

Oh My God.

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