Chapter 5

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Camila POV

I woke up in the morning laying on Lauren's chest. Then I remembered what happened. She kissed me. Lauren Michelle Jauregui kissed me, Karla Camila Cabello. And I have never felt anything better in my life. Of course she was my first kiss so I have nothing to compare it to but the point is, that even if I had a lot of experience I don't think anything could have possibly prepared me.

At first when she kissed me I was really nervous. I had no idea what to do so I just followed her lead.

She stopped the kiss after a few minutes and just laid down pulling me into her. She didn't say anything or offer an explanation to why she kissed me.

But one thing's for sure, I was not complaining.

We had an interview today so I got up and showered while Lauren was still asleep. I wonder if she felt the fireworks and the butterflies like I did. Did she enjoy it? Or did she regret it?

After the shower, I went to Dinah's room because I needed to talk about it before the interview.

"Cheechee!" I screamed as Dinah gave me a big hug. I jumped into her arms gladly.

"Because Normani isn't right here" Normani said feigning hurt.

I jumped on Normani's lap and kissed her cheek. "Hey Moaney I missed you" I hug her tight.

"I just saw you yesterday but I missed you too" she chuckles hugging back.

"Cheechee I need to talk to you. Like ASAP"

She looks at me with her eyebrows raised but follows me out the room. We walk around the hallway of the hotel. "Chancho what's up?" She asks.

"So... yesterday Lauren kissed me" I tried to conceal the excitement but Dinah didn't even try. She jumped up and down. "Please tell me the Camren ship is going to be official and sail and I can be the captain"

"I wish. I have no clue what is going to happen with us. It was so perfect though and then we cuddled and fell asleep"

Dinah has a big smile on her face "My Mila had her first kiss". She pretends to cry "You're growing up so fast!"

I playfully hit her arm. "Hey I am still older than you" I pout.

"By like 3 months" She laughs.

We walk around and talk about her and her boyfriend. I don't like that guy. He's a prick and he seems like all he cares about is the popularity that comes with dating a member of a famous girl group.

We go back to my room and Lauren is getting ready.

"Hey Laur" I'll smile big.

"hey..." she mumbles.

"Are you okay Laur?" I ask walking up to her. I place my hand on hers and she pulls back.

"yeah. I have to shower" she quickly walks away.

I look at Dinah and she looks just as confused as I am. Did I do something wrong? Was I a bad kisser? What is wrong with Lauren?

"Maybe she's on her period?" Dinah shrugs.

"I don't think so..."

I can sense that something is up and I don't have the best feeling about this.

Hi babies. Vote, Comment and stay strong. I love ya little rascals.

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