Chapter 30

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Camila POV

Today is the first day of the Reflection Summer Tour and excited is an understatement.

It's two days after the Ellen Show interview and things have been great. I feel so happy now that I'm able to share my relationship with Lauren. It feels so amazing to be able to walk around and hold her hand and kiss her whenever I want.

We've been receiving so much acceptance and letters from so many artist telling us how proud they are.

Ellen, Demi, Harry and Louis (WHO ARE NOW ENGAGED!), Macklemore, Lana, Beyonce, Ed, Taylor and so many more.

On Twitter we've been getting nothing but supporting tweets and acceptance. Camren and Norminah have been trending since the interviewed aired and I can't possibly be any happier.

Our fans wrote letters telling us about how much we inspired them, about how we helped them come out, how we saved them, made them feel like it was okay to be gay.

Reading all these letters really made me even more grateful. My whole life I struggled with my sexuality. I never knew if I would be accepted by those who mean most to me.

Honestly it was terrifying and I've never had an idol to look up to who was in the same position as I was.

Now we can be that for our fans. They can now know that no matter what we love them and we understand them.

It doesn't matter if they are gay, straight, bisexual, transgender or confused. We love them just the way they are and we will always be there for them the way they are always there for us.

I have a voice, not only to sing but to do so much more, and I plan on doing it. I want to be a voice for the voiceless. I want to give hope to the hopeless. I want to be more than the goofy girl from Fifth Harmony.
I want to make a difference in the world and I won't stop until I do.

Today is our first show and it starts in three, two, one.

We run on stage and then the light turns on.

The crowd goes insane and all over the place I see signs.

Camren Forever

I love Norminah

My heroes

Ally can you date me!?!

Trolly slays!

Lesbian For Fifth Harmony

There are so many signs and the crowd is still screaming. I've never had such an overwhelming and loud response from a crowd and I feel on top of the world.

Everyday I question how I have been so blessed. How did I go from singing Skyscraper on YouTube and watching One Direction videos to performing in front of thousands of fans, people screaming my name.

It's so surreal but not a day goes by where I am not grateful for everyone I have in my life. I wouldn't be where I am or who I am without them.

I smile big as I look at the crowd, I see our Harmonizers, my parents and sister, Lauren's family, Ally's family, Troy, who's become like a brother to us all, Normani's family, Dinah's family.

I look on stage and see the girls.

I smile and look all around me.

This is my family.

Everyone here, everyone at home, you reading this, the thousands of people watching our videos on YouTube or standing outside this venue because they couldn't get a ticket because we are sold out, you're my family.

Doing this, inspiring people, performing with my girls, for my family, for all of you, this is where I belong.

This is my home. This is my life. This is my family. This is me. This is my Forever and Always.

We've come to an end my friend. Thank you so much to those of you who voted and commented on the chapters. Genuinely that meant everything to me. I can never thank you enough. Please check out my new story Secrets.

Forever And Always (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now