Chapter 24

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Lauren POV

I hear a banging at the door and I roll my eyes. I have a headache I do not want to get up.

I slowly get up so I don't wake up Camz when someone bangs on the door again.

I seriously want to slap whoever it is. I kept Camz up all night, she needs to rest before dance rehearsal.

Shit! Shit! What time is it?

I open the door and Ally stands there with a serious look on her face.

Dammit. Mother Ally.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? It's almost 1! We have dance rehearsal in 20 minutes and you're not even up!?! Seriously get dressed and wake up Mila. Hurry up we can't be late" And just like that she walks off.

Wow someone needs to get laid. What's gotten up her ass? Nothing obviously. I laugh to myself at my humor.

"Camz baby? Baby we have to get ready" I whisper and move the hair from her beautiful face.


She rolls over "I don't wanna wake up" she whispers. Her voice sounds hoarse.

I chuckle lightly. "I don't either baby but we have dance rehearsal. You'll get to see Sean again"

"But I can see him another time. I wanna sleep come sleep with me" she pouts and pulls me into her.

I lay on top of her and nuzzle my head into her neck. Her fingers trail up and down my spine softly.

I began to doze off when I hear my phone beep repeatedly indicating I have a text message. I whisper a curse and get up from my comfortable position on top of my girlfriend.

"Seriously I hate whoever this is" I mutter.

I take my phone out and see a message.

A- It's been 10 minutes hurry up!

"Who's that?" my girlfriend who is still half asleep asks.

"It's just Ally rushing us to come downstairs. Honestly baby she's going to kill us if we aren't down there like now" I began to text Ally back.

Camz sighs. "Do we have to?" she inquired and the way she looks in the morning when she's still tired is adorably sexy. I'm not sure if I want to jump her bones or cuddle.

L- Okay mom. We're on our way down now.

Camila gets up to start getting dressed. "So what should I wear?" she looks up at me and holds two pair of bottoms. One is blue high waisted, ripped jeans and the other is black booty shorts.

I get up and take the two pair of bottoms away from her. I wrap my arms around her waist. "How about nothing?" I raise my eyebrow seductively.

She playfully hits my arm "You would like that wouldn't you? Pervert" she leans in and kisses my lips tenderly.

"That's all you get because honestly I'm scared of Ally when she gets angry" Camila smiles and throws on the blue jeans.

"Hey! I didn't choose those!" I pout because they cover up most of her legs. Though I must admit they make her butt look amazing.

I throw on sweats and a black crop top. There's no reason for me to attempt to look cute when all I am doing is going to the dance studio.

We rush downstairs to spare ourselves from a huge lecture by Ally. Unfortunately we weren't so lucky.

"Seriously!?! We are running late because you two wanted to do god knows what! Just because you are in a relationship does not mean you can start to abandon your responsibilities! Get in the car we're running late" the oldest of us all yells and then storms off.

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