Chapter 25

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Camila POV

I am so sleepy! I barely got any sleep again because Lauren and I had a late night. We had to make use of the fact that we had our own room.

I look down and see Lauren sleeping on my chest. Normally I'm the one laying on her but I think all that moaning she was doing tired her out yesterday so after I finished pleasing her she was out like a light.

I stroke the smooth skin of my girlfriends pale back softly and admire her features. I know sometimes she is bothered by her looks because she feels as if people care more about them than they do her music.

I understand where she is coming from because it is true. A lot of times people look at her like she's a piece of meat but she is honestly so much more than green eyes and a hot face.

Honestly don't get me wrong, Lauren is stunning. I mean she is an absolute goddess. However, that isn't the thing I fell for. Lauren is the sweetest yet sassiest person ever. She has this huge heart and she always protects the people she cares about.

Even if she has a bad day, she will always put her friends, family and our harmonizers above all else and make them happy.

She is also incredibly talented. Her voice has always been my favorite out of anyone else's. It's so raw and raspy and I wish she would get more credit than she does for that.

Most of all, I fell in love with the person that not many people know. The smart, nerdy girl that ties her hair up in a bun and will stay in bed for hours reading books no one has ever even heard of because it interests her.

The girl that doesn't hide under a layer of makeup and doesn't try to please others, just herself.

I fell in love with who she truly is. Not just what most people see her as.

Lauren stirs from her sleep and places a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Sorry I haven't brushed my teeth yet but I wanted to kiss you" she smiles and looks at the time.

"Shit. Ally is going to kill us!" she jumps up and rushes to get ready.

I just laugh and watch her.

"Camila get ready" she said sternly and I continued staring as she got dressed.

She is ridiculously hot though so I can't focus on anything other than her.

"Camz. Get. Dressed."

"Nope" I reply smirking.

"Fine. Guess who won't be getting laid any time soon?" She threatened and I quickly hopped up looking for something to wear.

She laughed hysterically at me but listen, if Lauren Jauregui says do something and you'll get laid, do it.

We arrive before Ally can yell at us and just like that we're on our way to the dance studio.

When we pull up, there are many fans there to greet us but two caught my eyes.

It was a couple, two girls and they were holding each other. The taller girl with her arms placed around the smaller girl's waist and her head resting in the crook of her neck. I've never seen two people seem so happy and open like they were.

I walked up to them and gave them a big hug. I'm sure that they were happy that I did but very confused.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. I want that to be Lauren and I. It's not fair that it can't be.

I sign a few autographs and give a few hugs so I didn't look suspicious along with the rest of the girls and then we went inside.

"Camz... what was that about?" Lauren walks up to me and sits a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want to talk about it" I'm not trying to push her away or be defensive but I know if I start, I'll cry.

Dinah comes over to me and Lauren.

"Lauren can I please talk to Camila? Alone?" I look up at her and Lauren nods a sad smile before walking to Sean, our choreographer.

"You want that to be you and Lauren huh?" She asks and I can't help but to pull her to me and cry into her chest.

She pulls me into a tight embrace and allows me to cry. I always loved that about Dinah. No matter where we were she would drop everything in a heartbeat to make sure I was okay.

I really hate how emotional I can be sometimes but I try to stay strong and to be happy for people but it's hard.

Never knowing if I'll be accepted by those who mean the most to me.

I can't have a normal relationship because it's with another girl.

Like I chose to be fucking gay! It's not my fault! I hate that people can't realize it.


Dinah rubs my back soothingly and it's then I realize everyone looking at me and I realized that I voiced all that aloud.

"Well then...." I wipe my tears away and look at everyone. They look surprised which makes me incredibly embarrassed at my sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry for making a scene guys" I let go of Dinah reluctantly and already missing the feeling of her strong arms holding and comforting me.

"It's okay Camz" Lauren walks up to me and cups my face wiping away the tears.

"Why didn't you tell me how you were feeling?" She asks and I automatically feel bad for not.

"I just didn't want to push you into coming out" I'll whisper.

"I was actually thinking, maybe we could tell our parents? Like.. tomorrow?" She asks and I see a hint of desperation in her voice.

Maybe she does want this as much as me.

"Me and Mani are telling our parents tomorrow too. And management after that" Dinah smiles and rubs my back.

"What if they ruin Fifth Harmony?" I asked sadness apparent in my voice.

"No one is ruining our friendship. We will always be Fifth Harmony, no matter what"

And that's true. Management can fire us, fans may leave, parents can be upset, but we are Fifth Harmony. That means more to us than just the name of a girl band.

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