Chapter 7

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Lauren POV

"Lolo what is going on between you and Mila? You two were fine yesterday and now today she's begging me to switch rooms" Normani asks me.

"I just... please if I tell you don't hate me?" I beg.

I don't know why I think she would hate me. She's always so supportive when it comes to our fans and their sexuality.

When a fan comes out to us, she's one of the first people to tell them that they're beautiful and she loves them just as much if not more now.

But it's different because I'm her best friend. She may hate me for this. I'm just scared to lose my best friend.

"I would never hate you Lauren. Laurmani for life remember?" she smiled at me.

That made me feel a lot better about what I'm about to tell her.

I caught her up on everything. How I kissed Camila, how she didn't stop me, how I was confused about everything that happened. Not once while I was talking did she look at me in disgust.

She actually had a smirk on her face, hinting that she knew all along.

"Is that all Lolo?" she asks.

I was left speechless for a second at her acceptance.

I mean I knew in the back of my mind that she wouldn't hate me but I didn't think she would be so accepting about it because her religion. I guess people really do surprise you sometimes.

"Yes.. you don't hate me?" I ask, still a little surprised.

"No of course not! Lauren you and Camila seem to be the only ones who don't realize the feelings you have for each other. The girls and I have had several conversations about this before. If you are happy, Lo so am I"

I jump up and give her a big hug. I squeeze on her as hard as I can but loosen up when she whimpers. I don't want to hurt her, just let her know her words meant the world to me.

After I let go she holds my hand and looks me in the eye. "So you like like Camila? Like more than a friend?"

I think for a moment. "I'm not gay Mani.. how could I like a girl if I'm not gay?"

"You could be bisexual. Or maybe it's not girls in general you're interested in but just one girl."

That does make sense. I've never been attracted to girls before but Camz is different. She's so weird and cute and beautiful and sexy and funny and caring and she's a great kisser.

Far better than any guy I've ever kissed and that was just her first time.

"I have to see her" I start to get up but Normani grabs my arm. "Trust me it's best if you wait until tomorrow" she responds.

I pout but look at the time. It's nearing midnight so I guess I could just sleep, even though Camz will be the only thing on my mind.

I was such a prick. I'll make it up to her.

Camila POV

I can't believe Ally got me to confess everything to her. She's like one of those priests that hides behind the door and make you confess all your sins. Except she doesn't judge me and I can actually see her face.

She gave me some advice, let me cry on her shoulder and even watched a RomCom with me.

I don't think Dinah was very happy that we made her watch it with us. But then again, it was amazing so how could she not.

It was this movie called Crazy Stupid Love and I am in love with Emma Stone and it was so perfect. I wish me and Lauren could be like Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. She would be Ryan, the sexy player and I would be Emma, the nerdy and innocent girl that completely captures the player's heart.

Not that Lauren is a player. She's just a little more experienced and I think she would be the guy in the relationship.

When I confessed my feelings for Ally, she didn't look surprised or judgemental. Dinah on the other hand had a guilty look on her face. I was too tired and upset to figure out what that was.

Honestly I'm so grateful for Dinah and Ally because if I didn't have those two girls today to cheer me up, I would've stayed up crying and self loathing the whole night.

I notice that Ally and Dinah fell asleep as we were watching Harry Potter. How dare they? Oh well I should sleep too. I'm so sleepy.

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