Chapter 27

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Camila POV

Lauren and I just landed in Miami a few hours ago and we are now at her parents home, along with my parents and my little sister Sofi.

I look at Lauren who is sitting on the floor coloring pictures with Sofi. I smile and admire two of the most important people in my life.

Sofi looks up at me and then looks at Lauren.

"Can I color the sky red? I like red" She says to Lauren.

"You can color the sky any color you want cutie" She taps her nose softly and Sofi beams.

"Camila come color. Lern colors pwetty" Lauren and I both laugh slightly at how she says her name.

I sit between them and start coloring when Sofi whispers in my ear.

"Lern likes you. I think you like Lern too" What? My cheeks heat up and Lauren is focused on coloring, I don't think she heard.

"What do you mean?" I prompt Sofi to continue.

"Lern looks at you how mommy looks at daddy" This time Lauren hears and I see her cheeks redden.

"Wanna know a secret" Lauren asks Sofi who nods her head anxiously.

"I love Camz. The same way your mommy loves your daddy. And she loves me the same way your daddy loves your mommy" Lauren smiles at Sofi.

I can't believe she said that. My stomach is turning and the butterflies are going crazy.

"So are you going to get married like mommy and daddy?" she directs the question to me.

I look at Lauren and smile. "Yeah, yeah I really hope so"

Clara comes in and calls us in for dinner. Sofi, Taylor and Chris (Lauren's siblings) go in a different room to eat and watch tv as me and Lauren anxiously sit down at the table.

Lauren POV

"So, the reason me and Camz asked for this was because there's something we feel like we have to tell you..."

I'm really nervous but I know how scared Camila is and I have to be strong for her. I know coming out is what will make her happy and myself as well.

I'm tired of hiding, I just wish coming out didn't have to be so scary.

There's always that thought in the back of your mind like what if they can't accept me? Or if they hate me? Or everything changes?

"Okay what's up?" Her dad asks.

I look at her and she nods her head reassuringly. Under the table she has a death grip on my hand. It hurts but I won't dare tell her to let go.

"So, we've been dating. For a while now. We just felt like we owe it to you to tell you instead of keeping it a secret. We're sorry we kept it in for as long as we did but, we were scared". I let out a breath of relief and Camila's hand loosens around my own.

"Fuck" I hear my mom mutter and my heart stops. She's going to snap. She's going to hate me.

"You kids really couldn't just wait another damn year" She pulls out her wallet and hands Sinu $100.

Okay I'm really confused and by the look on Camila's face, so is she.

"What? Another year..?" Camila asked my mom.

"Well, Sinu and I always knew this was inevitable. I just thought you would wait a little longer before you realized it. So I lost $100"

I let out a laugh. I can't believe they bet against us. They're okay with it.

"So you knew?" Camila asks Sinu, her voice full of emotion. Happy, relief, confused.

"Camila I've always known mija. Especially when I see you look at Lauren. Anyone can tell" Camila jumped up and hugged her mom as tight as her little frame can.

I smile and I'm extremely happy until I notice my dad still hasn't said anything.

He excuses himself and gets up walking out. I quickly follow as I feel tears starting to form.

I hear my mom inform someone, I'm assuming Camz, to let us talk.

"Dad? Please look at me" My voice shakes and my throat tightens. I'm on the verge of tears.

"Papa.. please" I try again and he turns to look at me.

"I'm sorry.. this just isn't what I pictured when I thought of your future.. I wanted you to have kids and get married.. have a normal life. It's going to be so hard because of this. People will be so mean." His words hurt but I understand what he means.

I take a step closer. "Papa, we can still get married. And have children. I gave up all hope of a normal life when I became a singer. I don't want a normal life if it can't be with the people I care about. I know things will be harder and i know people won't accept it but i accept it. I'm happy papa. Camila makes me happy. I love her. I don't want to lose you over this please don't hate me or disown me" I feel the tears coming down.

Damn it.

My dad walks up to me and pulls me in his arms.

"Kiddo, I'm never leaving. I love you. You are so brave and I can't possibly be any prouder of you than I am right now. Camila is a lucky girl. You make sure she knows that or she'll be getting a visit from me" He kisses my head and ruffles my hair.

"I'm proud of you" He whispers and holds me close.

His words echo in my head.

I'm proud of you.

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