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// Mr. GRUMPY Next Door //

✎ 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 489

"I just wanna be friend...be your pet"

"Cat and Dog" started playing on Minho's phone. The boy's personality doesn't really seem like he'd have such a song as his ringtone but oh well. The boy picked up his phone reading the name of the person calling ofcourse it was Chan.

"Yah Lee Minho! I've been waiting for you since the past 10 minutes"
"Oh shit. Sorry I'll be there"
"where are you anyways and what's even taking so lo-"

Minho shut his phone also shutting Bang Chan who didn't even get to complete himself either.
Minho put his phone and wallet in his pocket and left his apartment locking the door.
Right on his way to the elevator he met with Hyunjin again.

"Oh hi again Minho!"
Minho just looked at him and didn't say a word.

"Hmm you don't talk much do you?"

Minho just looked at the boy for 5 more seconds and spoke

"Are you going to enter or not?"

A pink color appeared on the brown haired boy's face. He was so amazed in talking to Minho he forgot he was still standing outside.

"o-oh y-yeah sorry" the boy chuckled all embarrassed.

"Can we be friends?"




𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘰

"how old are you?" Hyunjin asked smiling to the other.

"If i tell you will you stop bugging me?" Minho asked while the other giggled and nodded.

" 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺"

"Oh you're older than me! I just turned 18 last month. Can i call you hyung!?" the boy asked excited

"Do whatever you want. Now excuse me I've got to go."

"okay bye hyung!" hyunjin did a gentle yell as he and Minho parted ways.

. . .
"Finally! It's been almost 20 minutes since I've been waiting!"

"Shut up Chan and let's go already"
Chan rolled his eyes as they started walking in the park.

"So you got the assignment done right?"
Chan asked his friend.

"Hmm it was time taking though"

"Yeah i know. It took me a long time to complete mine too."

As Chan was speaking he noticed how his friend was hardly listening.

"Bruh what are you so lost in?"

"I'm not sure... Anwyays a boy just moved in next to my apartment"

"Oh cool. Have you talked to him? Oh wait what am i saying lee minho talking to people" Chan teased Minho making the other look at him with a playful glare.

"Well it might be unexpected but yes I have talked to him. Actually not really- he just bought homemade cookies. And god they were delicious!"

The boy's mouth watered again remembering a Cookies.

"They were that good? Haha what's his name?"

"uh...i think it was... Hyunjin!"

"Hyun-jin... What's his full name?"

"I don't know... Why? "

"My cousin's name is a also Hyunjin. He moved to Seoul today...."

Minho didn't reply. His mouth just turned into an "O"

Mr. GRUMPY ☆//Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now