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       // Mr. GRUMPY Next Door //

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 : 448

It has been 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 days already since Hyunjin and Minho's bet started. The  older promised him that he would buy him icecream and will be his "friend" if he does well.
Minho would ignore him even when he would just say a little "Hi".
Hyunjin didn't really think it would be this serious and he didn't like it but a deal is a deal right?

Today was just another normal day kf Hyunjin being sulky as he doesn't get to see his neighbor's cats anymore.

"Earth to Jin, what the fuck are you even thinking?"

Jeongin waved his hands infront of the brunette making him come back to reality.

"aish I just want to go home now!"
Hyunjin whined.

"You know you made a deal with that neighbor of yours so you need to stop zoning out like that"

"i know i know"

. . .

Hyunjin settled down on his white couch after putting his bag away.
He had been extremely tired and hardly even had the energy to make himself something to eat.
College hadn't been any easy on the boy. What him more upset was the fact that he didn't get to tease Minho anymore as he used to always go to the older and say:

"Can we be friends?"

The older would always reply with the same one word:


He smiled to himself as he remembered Minho's annoyed face from the most recent time where he asked him the same thing but the smile slowly formed into a pout.

"ughh i still have to buy more paint brushes for the art competition"

He whined to himself and decided to go take a shower and then make himself something to eat.


"So? What's wrong with liking him?"

"You don't understand Chan, my whole fucking life i thought i was straight and now i suddenly find out I'm gay? This scares me"

Chan laughed at Minho as he complained to him.

"Bitch you can't lie to me. I know you're gay so just let it be."

Minho sighed and nodded, looks like Chan knew he was lying.

"But i don't like his though"

"uh huh ofcourse you don't, dude stop it. You hardly ever do anything for me and hate talking to people than why him huh?"

Minho looked at Chan with a straight face making the older smirk.

"You like him and just accept it"

"How would i like someone like him? I mean he's so cheerful, happy and loves to annoy the heck outta me"

Chan facepalmed himself and spoke.

"that's the thing! That's what makes you like him"

Minho raised his eyebrows as his mouth formed into an O


I posted a hyunho oneshot on my kpop "bxb onshots" book. I'd love it you can go check it out and give feedback so i can write more ^^ ♡
I take requests for other groups and ships too :)

Mr. GRUMPY ☆//Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now