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      // Mr. GRUMPY Next Door //

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 : 621

It has been two months since Hyunjin and Minho have been dating.
The two's couple was actually pretty cute but the fans didn't know about this yet. Minho didn't really bother telling them though. They both promised to keep it as a secret unil they are ready to let the fans know.

Today the two decided to eat outside.
No, it wasn't really a fancy date even though Minho could easily afford it the younger had told him to not to spend too much. They just decided to have dinner outside and then have some dessert later on.

Hyunjin had just come back from college and got a call from Minho.

𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦:
> hey baby?
> hii Lino hyung

> are you ready?
because I'll be picking you up anytime soon hmm

> I just came back..
Could you give me some time?
I'm going to take a shower quickly

> no problem love

𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥.

Hyunjin smiled as he thought about going out with his boyfriend. He loved how Minho always tried to pay attention to him no matter how busy it was for him to handle his idol life along with a personal one.

The boy decided to wear a white shirt with a cute two coloured  pastel yellowish- blue sweater and light blue  baggy jeans under it.
He loved wearing soft colours and Minho also seemed to like them for how pretty and adorable he looked in those outfits.

A knock was heard on the main door of the brunette's apartment.
He quickly went to open the door revealing Minho dressed in a black silk made oversized shirt tucked into his jeans with white sneakers put on.
He looked so... Handsome to Hyunjin.
Minho on the other hand had totally drowned in the younger's stunning beauty. His blonde silky hair was put into a low ponytail while the two strands from the front stayed on the outside, near his pretty brown eyes.

"lino hyung?"

The younger waved his hand infront of the older who was lost in his own.
Snapping out of his delusional world, Minho had finally come back to reality and decided to face it.

"You look cute today!" he blurted.

"mhm and just today?" Hyunjin said whilst faking a playful frown.

"no! No i- always! Just overly cute for today my love"

Minho had totally let his nervous side take over him. He tried to be as much as lovey dovey he could be with his boyfriend. It just didn't always come out right making the younger giggle and tease him.

"I'm just joking, you need to get used to it. You look amazing too! This shirt suits you. Now come one let's go!!"

Hyunjin giggled as he skipped his way out while Minho followed with a smile painted on his face.

. . .

"can we please go to the park? I'm kinda bored sitting im here"

Hyunjin asked the older who sat there admiring him.

"mhm let's go baby"

The two walked out after paying for the delicious meal they had.
Hyunjin skipped all the way along the park and Minho followed laughing at his cuteness.

"wanna get icecream?"

"icecream? Yes please!!"

Minho got the younger his favourite, chocolate icecream topped off with rainbow coloured sprinkles while got a simple vanilla one for himself.

"do you wanna taste mine?"

Hyunjin asked.


Before Hyunjin could give to Minho he felt a kiss on his pink plum lips making his cheeks all pink in blush.

"Yahh!" the young whined making Minho laugh out loud.

"your reactions are always priceless when i kiss off-gaurd!"

Now the date had gone very well but the two didn't know that someone had their eyes on them all along.

Mr. GRUMPY ☆//Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now