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        // Mr. GRUMPY Next Door //

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 : 394

It's 10 am in the morning and Hyunjin's dool bell just rung making the boy hiss in pain as he slowly moved his weak body out of his bed.

"W-who is it?"
"Hyunjin, it's Minho. Can you open the door now?"

Hearing the older's voice Hyunjin could just hear the annoyance in his deep voice. The younger was sick but that doesn't stop him from teasing others.

"Minho who?"
"Oh god. Minho your fucking neighbor bitch. Will ya open the door now?"
"Ummm no"

The younger giggled to himself until he choked on his own saliva making his cough. This caused the elder to panic as he should be taking care of him because of Chan.

"You okay!?"
"Y-yeah. Yeah I- I'm fine"

The door slightly opened revealing a messy haired Lee Minho while a "𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵" hyunjin peeked through it.

"You can come in now" the younger spoke in a soft voice while smiling.

"You alright now?"

"Yeah i just have a little headache and i feel weak while standing like this but i think I'm okay now"

"Good to know... Wait come here"

Minho held his wrist and pulled him a little towards himself while putting his hand on the boy's forehead.

"mhm your forehead is still a bit warm so you'll still need to eat those medicines..."

"Aish No no! Please hyung i bed you not to give that eww-y thingy again"

"Eww-y wha-? Nevermind. If you want to feel better soon, you'll have to eat it and you know that well"

Minho got the medicine and bought it towards the younger who stood there blowing his mouth in order let the other know he doesn't want to take it.

"Here. Have it"

Hyunjin didn't do anything. He just stood their as if he was frozen.

"You never do you brat?"

"Huh!? i'm not a bra-"

"there. Good job Jin. You ate it"

The younger made incoherent noises again and looked at Minho with a betrayed expression.

"What? It ain't my fault you always like the hard way."

The boy just pleaded the younger and walked out like nothing happened.

"Oh yeah. Chan told me to inform you that he'll come see you later"

With that he walked away towards his own flat while Hyunjin just stood their annoyed by the medicine.

Mr. GRUMPY ☆//Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now