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          // Mr. GRUMPY Next Door //

𝘍airy of shampoo played on Hyunjin's phone. The boy woke up from a sweet dream he was having about his mother being loving to him and his sister again.
His eyes adjusted the vision as he looked around the room. Slowly grabbing onto his phone which had a cute poloroid of him and Minho, his boyfriend in his phone case, he looked over to who was calling.

"jungwoo?" he whispered to himself a bit confused as it was still 8 am and they had a day off because it is Sunday. He accepted the phone and before he could even speak, Jungwoo yelled from the otherside.

"hey ju-"


"Yahh! I just woke up! Stop yelling"

"fine.. Ahem, did you see any social media app yet?"

The other spoke in the most dramatic voise ever making Hyunjin smile.

"no why?"

"jinnie, someone took pictures of you and Minho, they posted it online."

Hyunjin's heart had stopped for a second. Someone had leaked picture of Minho and him?

"hello? Jin, you there?"

He snapped back into reality once he heard Jungwoo speak again.


I think you might wanna see this for yourself"


Hyunjin ended the call with Jungwoo and decided to see whatever was going on by himself. He trembled while clicking on the link for the website called 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩.

He took a deep breath before looking at the pictures and the article.

(just imagine their outfits as i wrote earlier lmao-)

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(just imagine their outfits as i wrote earlier lmao-)

He felt his heart literally missing a beat. He was scared, scared that this could have effect their private life and who knows what if Minho wants to break up with him afterwards?

The brunette shut his eyes tight while biting his bottom lip feeling anxious.
five mintutes pass by, Hyunjin finally gets all the courage he has and decideds to check the replies under the post from dispatch.

>> does his boyfriend also want a girlfriend because I'm available haha

>> dis-bitchy-patch stfu stop stalking him and this boy.

>> Not sure if this is true but they look so cute together and the smiles are just too pure ♡

. . .

Hyunjin smiled as he read the comments... So they don't hate them? Well the positive comments didn't last for too long though.
He eventually came across the negative ones.

. . .

>> it's a pity that Minho is dating this ugly brat.

>> he's probably dating him for his money, I'm sure.

>> ugly bitch.

. . .

Hyunjin is a VERY sensitive person so the comments felt like a sting to him each time he read them. He could tears already welding up in eyes but he decided to stay strong.
He and Minho had talked about it before too, they won't let the fans effect their relationship in any way.
He just smiled again and decided to skip the dramatic mean comments and just read the positive ones.

Now worrying about the hate he was getting was what the boy tried to shrug off but worrying about if Minho would deny these and who knows maybe even break up with him was making him anxious. This whole thing was REALLY nerve-wracking for him.
Tears formed in his eyes just by thinking about Minho leaving him. He was scared and upset.

What could possibly NOT go wrong right?

The boy's thoughts were disturbed by another phone call. He looked to see... Minho. Did he really even have to think about the Satan's name at the moment. Hyunjin couldn't really get himself to pick up the call.
The boy cried uncontrollably while just staring at his phone. It was a silent cry though, he kept it to himself, just himself....

Lol don't worry luvs, there will be another episode and spoiler alert: it will be a good ending ;)

Mr. GRUMPY ☆//Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now