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       // Mr. GRUMPY Next Door //

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 : 446

Sunlight hit Minho's face making him graon. The boy tossed around his bed a few times and decided to check the time on his phone.

"10 am already..."

He got up rubbing his eyes and heard soft snores coming from outside his room. It's winters so obviously no one has their air conditioners or fans on. You could even easily hear 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦.
Even is such a cold weather of December the boy was shirtless. Minho decided to see where these were cominh from and saw hyunjin sleeping on the couch. The boy looked uncomfortable but he obviously has no where to go last night.

A mischievous idea came into the older's brain. He went closer to the brunette and screamed in his ear.


The younger screamed his lungs off because of the sudden yell in his ear. Hyunjin's dolphin screams are popular in his family but ofcourse Minho doesn't know that. Oh boy they can make your ears bleed. The half asleep boy took  his pillow as weapon and started hitting minho

"AHH DON'T KILL ME" hyunjin screamed off his lungs.

his eyes were full on tightly closed. After hearing no sound at all the boy slowly opened his eyes to see a very annoyed looking lee Minho.


"you hit me 10 fucking times with that pillow Mr. Seokjin"

"hol' up- IT WAS YOU! You are the one who screamed in my ear!"

Hyunjin hit him one more time with the pillow and spoke

"It's HYUNjin by the way"

Minho just looked at the younger is disbelief. No one dares to even talk to Lee Minho let alone try to hit him with a pillow.

"Gosh. You're lucky I'm not killing you right now. What?"

Hyunjin had a pink color appearing on his cheeks making Minho confused and that's when the older realized that he was shirtless.

"Oh shit-" the boy ran to his room, put on a shirt and came back.

"Ehm... Get out of my apartment now. Ask the landlord to give you the keys"

"Y-yeah i was gonna do that"

The brunette got up and patted his neighbor's cats while mumbling some words which totally didn't sound like a humanly language. But we all do that when we see cute animals. Right?

Just he was about to go he showed his brightest smile to Minho,brighter than the sun itself.

"Thank you for letting me stay over!"
"Your welocome i guess"

Minho just stared at the boy until his sight couldn't be seen anymore.

𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦 the boy thought to himself and smiled like a random crazy person.

Mr. GRUMPY ☆//Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now