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       // Mr. GRUMPY Next Door //

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 : 628

It is currently 1 am. The three boys and yeji had, had a lot of fun at being at Chan'd place that was until Yeji noticed how late it had gotten.

"aish it's already 1 am"
Yeji whispered but it was enough for the three others to hear.

"We should get going now hyung"
Hyunjin spoke in a sleepy voice.

"but it's pretty late, are you guys sure you'll be okay?"

Hyunjin was about to speak again but then Minho spoke.

"I can drop you guys. I came from my car so it's fine"

"are you sure?" Yeji asked.

"Mhm it's alright"

The three then bid goodbye to the oldest, Chan and left.
The car had been very loud for quiet a while as Hyunjin and Yeji kept the room litghtened up.
Minho smiled a little as he saw how similar Hyunjin and Yeji's personality was after all they are siblings.

"You know what?" he spoke.
"hmm?" - yeji

"I've noticed how you two are equally annoying and dramatic, though Hyunjin is left level"

he chuckled a little making the siblings laugh too.

The ride got quiet afterwards though as Hyunjin had fallen asleep, Minho was focusing on driving while Yeji was on her phone but then she spoke.

"You should ask him out already"
Minho's eyes widened as he heard what she had said.

"w-what do you mean?"

"You know what i mean. I know you have a crush on hyunnie"

"fuck, is that obvious?" he replied nervously laughing.

"VERY obvious" Yeji giggled before speaking once again.
"You should do it soon though"

"wae?" Minho asked.

"Well, he told me that there's this boy at his college, seungmin something or whatever but um he said that seungmin confessed to him"

"shit" Minho cursed.

" lucky for youuu, he doesn't like him back. BUT, Hyunjin can easily feel bad for anyone so don't let that stop you"

"uhh thanks, i will i guess, not sure how and when though"

Yeji smiled after hearing Minho.

"No problem! Just make sure to never make him sad OR ELSE..."

Minhk nervously laughed at the sudden change of the Yeji's behavior.

"I- I won't"

. . .

"Jin, wake up"
"Hyunjin we're home now"

The youngest slowly opened his eyes after hearing Yeji and Minho's voice.
Yeji dragged the sleepy towards his apartment and Minho followed.

" 'night hyung, thank you"
He spoke in a sleepy voice.

Minho smiled as he heard the younger and replied

"no problem, good night to both of you too" Minho whispered the last part and mouthed a "thank you" to Yeji who smiled and nodded in reply.


19 𝘋𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘰'𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵 .

Even though Yeji had encouraged Minho to tell Hyunjin about everything, they still had there bet going on so Minho had told her about that and decided to not ask the younger to be his 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 yet.

It is a Sunday morning and Yeji prepared some pancakes for her brother whilst humming to herself.
She was about to go wake up Hyunjin when she got an actual call from her girlfriend, Ryujin.

"hey baby" the other spoke
"Hey ryu"
"what's my jiji up to hmm?"
"uhm making pancakes!!!" she smiled as she spoke.
"haha okay but now i miss those and you as well."

Yeji giggled when Ryujin spoke again.

"Baby, when are you coming back?"
"well there's still 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 days left"
"oh yeah how's Hyunjin?"
"He's great! especially when mom's not here anymore"

She sadly smiled as she spoke the last few words making her girlfriend coo at the expression.

"Jiji, my love I'm sure everything will be okay soon hmm? Don't worry.  Well I've got to now but take care alright?
I love you!"

"Love you too!" 

Mr. GRUMPY ☆//Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now