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        // Mr. GRUMPY Next Door //

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 : 465
Hyunjin sneaked his hands towards the flour lying on the top shelf of his kichen. The boy is tall but not tall enough, his travelled across the room for something he could stand on.

"That's it!" he tiptoed over to the beanbag in his small cozy living room and bought it in the kichen. A VERY stupid thing to do, yes but Hyunjin does whatever his brain tells him to do so once again he did it.

"A-almost there. Almos- ahhh"

The boy fell on the cold hard floor with half of the flour on top of him making him covered in white colour.

"Aish hyunjin you're so clumsy!"

𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘨

"ahh who must be here right now!?"

Thw boy groaned in stress because of all the hard work he did just to be covered in white flour.
He peeked through the peephole and saw no one other than Jeongin and Jungwoo so he opened the door.

"HEY JIN...nie- what happened?" Jeongin asked laughing after looking at his friend's state.

Hyunjin just blew on his hair strands coming infront of his face and whined to his friends.

"Yahh if you're just here to laugh at me like that then leave!"

"ahahaha Jinnie don't be like that! Pftt hahahaha we- we're just here to see you but.. aHahaha"

Jungwoo tried to hold back his giggling but totally couldn't.

"aish you know what bye bye" the brunette gently pushed both of them back while pouting.

"Okay- ok... Phew sorry" Jeongin spoke smiling uncontrollably.

"Can we come in now?" Jungwoo asked trying to hold back once again.

"Yeah i guess" Hyunji rolled his eyes playfully pulling them in. Right when he was about to close the door to his flat, the front door leading to Minho's opened revealing a Minho in a black suit with a tie and half wet hair.
He swiftly moved his hair back and that is his eyes met with the younger making both off them a bit...shocked.

Hyunjin was obviously shocked to see such a Minho and Minho on the other hand was confused with Hyunjin standing their covered in white.

"Yo- what happened to you" Minho suddenly blurted out.


"uhh something happened-" Minho spoke eying the younger.

"n-nothing. It- uhm it was nothing!"

Minho just laughed and went away swinging the key to his car in his hand

"why am i like this!- he looked so cool there was i standing like an idiota now he'll make fun of me! Stupid.. Stupid!!!"

The younger mumbled some words under his breath while closing the door and turned back to see a very confused looking Jungwoo and Jeongin sitting on his couch.

"What?" he asked.

"What were you just saying?" Jungwoo asked.

"It's nothing..."


Mr. GRUMPY ☆//Hyunho Where stories live. Discover now