26. (confession)

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       // Mr. GRUMPY Next Door //

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 :

27 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘰'𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵

Hyunjin lazily slipped into his clothes as he put a half burned toast in his mouth, what else could the boy do though? He was running late for college and so was in a hurry.
Checking that he's got everything, the boy quickly made his way out.

. . .
"Congratulations Jinnie!!"
Jungwoo shouted from the other side of the corridor, running towards his bestfriend.
"ehhh I did it!!" Hyunjin screamed from the other end.

Both of them laughed as they hugged.
Pulling away the other boy smirked and spoke to his friend.

"Sooo the bet's going to end today righttt?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows, getting a gentle slap from the other boy who knew what Jungwoo meant.

"yah! Stop that and yes, it ends today"

"mhm, good! You can finally talk to your crush again, eh?"

Hyunjin's eyes widened. The brunette nervously scratched the back of his neck and giggled.

"Y-yeah... i g-guess"

Jungwoo chuckled looking at how shy the other was getting.

"alright then, show him how well you did! I'm really proud of you, Jin"

Hyunjin smiled as he heard Junwoo's pretty laugh, all excited for him.


Minho sighed as he made his way to the elevator. The boy was very tired from all the recording. The rain made him even more tired, being stuck in the traffic is what he hates the most, yes even more than interacting with different people.

The door of the elevator was about close when he heard someone shouting to stop it. The shout wasn't too loud though. Minho pressed the button and looked up to see no one other than Hwang Hyunjin.

Hyunjin's eyes lit up as he locked eyes with the older. He was extremely excited to share the outcome of the bet he had made.

"Hiii hyung!" the younger bowed after entering the lift.
Minho replied with a straight face, he hsd totally forgotten about the bet.

"wae? Is everything okay?"

"i guess. Did you forget our bet? You can't talk to me unless it's something very important.
Hyunjin tilted his in confusion but then it hit him. The older had forgotten that the bet ends today.
Right when Minho and Hyunjin made out, the younger spoke.

"How can you forget?" he smiled while asking in a sweet voice.
Confused, Minho raised a brow as he turned around to face the other.

"It ends today!"

Minho looked at him dumbfounded.
He then remembered that the brunette was right!
Hyunjin came closer to him and spoke excitedly.

"Will you accept me as your friend now!? Can we be friends now!? Can i pet your cats again!? And wha-"

Before the younger could say anything more, Minho pulled him into a tight hug and kissed him.
He didn't know what had gotten into him or What made him kiss the younger but he just couldn't hold it anymore.

Hyunjin had no idea how to react, he couldn't stop himself either. Not knowing why but he had also melted into the kiss. It just felt so right.

pulling away, both the boys locked eyes and Hyunjin couldn't help but cover his blushing face, making Minho chuckle.
The older gently removed the younger's hands from his face and made him look at him.

"Shy huh baby?"

The words 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺 sent shivers down the brunette's face making him nervous.

"I like you and I know this is a damn bad way to confess but I don't really know how to do this in a better way.
Be my boyfriend, Hyunjin"

The younger didn't really know how to reply to it. The fact that Minho confessed in such a random way made him laugh out loud.

"i l-like you too!" he blurted out.

"And just so you know, asking you to be my boyfriend is not a question, think of it as a demand"

Hyunjin smiled and giggled hearing Minho's words.

"Okay, then"

Minho smiled seeing Hyunjin, well his boyfriend now, smiling.

"MinMin Hyung, You're finally smiling again!" 

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