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Unknown POV

     All I could feel was pain. Blood sloshed around in the water as water splashed around in my lungs. I fought for air and squirmed against the crushing of life in me. Slashes in my arms and legs bled more scarlet red into the water.

I screamed and tried shouting for help, but they just kept pushing me under. My tears kept getting washed away by the sloshy, cold, ocean water. I squirmed and struggled against the current and hands pushing me down.

I tried reaching my hands out for someone to help me, but the hands kept pushing me downwards into the ocean's depths. Hope was becoming lost. Slowly but surely I started to lose consciousness. The hands started to slowly release on me as my life faded. I was blinking in and out of consciousness as I saw lights flash.

I was floating towards the surface again and I crashed into the concrete of the side of the canal. Before I finally blacked out I saw the flashing red and blue lights. The sirens and wails of the night. I felt the cool concrete beneath my hands as I washed up against the canal. I couldn't remember what happened. I felt a pair of arms drag me from the cold concrete of the side of the canal.

I then realized the police weren't coming for me. The sirens were further away. They kept getting further and further away until I couldn't hear them anymore. The water sloshed against the canal walls.

I don't remember what happened to me tonight. All I remember was that I felt a rough set of hands pull me from the canal walls. Thank you stranger, you saved my life. I felt like I was being put into some sort of vehicle because I had heard a set of doors open up and a slight sound of an engine running.

"I got you, dear," said the voice as I was placed in the vehicle.

The voice was definitely male. He sounded tired. Exhausted even. I couldn't blame the stranger. So was I. That was more than enough reason to pass out. I'll remember what happened to me in the morning. Though, I did feel groggy. Enough was enough. I didn't even have the energy to mutter a thank you before I passed into unconsciousness.

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