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POV- Abanus

A part of me missed my homeland. I remembered my fellow mates. I got a few words around and turns out a few lived. I was relieved to hear the news, but currently I was too far away to get to them. I had envy for my friends. Some of the ones that lived didn't have powers, but were some long lost friends of mine. I cared a lot about them. However, I remembered one of my friends I cared for the most. Yes, I cared about all my friends, but I envied one the most. My best friend had lived.


     He was the one. He had the strongest powers of the wind. He had the power to create massive storms. He had the power to heal as well as to create destruction with the winds. He saved lives back in the war. He saved MY life. The winds either do damage or harm. I'd have to bring it up to Narcissus one day.

     Narcissus was at the counter drinking a shot. More imported shots. He was watching the hologram that projected the news in the city.

      "Anything new?" I asked him whilst walking up to the counter.

      "Not necessarily. There's report of a figure flying around in the skies. It's not Venetra so I'm quite curious," said Narcissus with a serious voice.

      "It shouldn't be nothing too major," I said with a brute shrug.

     "If it's on the news, it's major," he said turning to me with a glare.

     "Alright then," I said with a scoff as I sat down.

     Narcissus was a serious man. From what I could tell, he was careless, egotistical, but I could say he had some charm to him. He had some comedy, if you took the time to understand it. He had intellect and maturity.

      "You do know there's an issue I haven't told you about?" I asked.

      "What. What the hell could it possibly be?" He was annoyed.

     He looked tired. Exhausted even.

     "There's a person. I'm not sure if it's a woman or man. Could be another creature. Not sure yet. That's our problem at this point in time. That's where the cause of the war came from," I explained.

      "Explain further," He questioned darkly.

      "There's a virus. I remember it back from the war days. It put people to sleep and killed them all off. There's shockwaves too that rip everything from the ground," I said politely.

      "I'll look into it. Any idea where it lives?" he questioned me further.

      "No. It disappears every time I jumped into my ship to follow it. It blends in with the dark easily. I'm not sure how to follow it," I stated calmly as I made my drink.

      "We'll find a way. For right now, we will prepare and relax. I don't want my hands on nothing too big right now," said Narcissus with a heavy sigh.

      "I understand. I do have some suggestions on how we can be better prepared," I said to hint at a plan.

      "Yes?" He scoffed again.

     "Well I have a best friend. Word came around that he survived the battle. His name is Anthea. He has some powers that could be of use to us? He has some powerful winds," I suggested.

      "And where is he?" he pondered.

      "I'm not sure currently. I'll find him one way or another. He's probably on my home planet," I said reassuring him.

     "Thank you. For now though, take a drink and relax," Narcissus sighed.

     "Tell me. I've always been curious. You've never told me about your powers," I started off, "Why don't you tell me about them?"

     "No," he said with a serious expression on his face.

     "Wh—-" he interrupted me.

      "I said NO. Don't you dare ask me again," He interrupted me.

      "Alright then," I said with a sigh.

      "Just... Relax. I don't want my hands on anything bigger than I can handle as I explained earlier, Abanus," he explained.

      "I understand. I'll leave you to it then," I said as I picked my drink up and began to look at some of the crystals on the shelves.

      Each came from a different planet and had different colors and sizes. He was a collector and investor. No wonder he was king, but man was he a bastard. No humor came from him today. I could understand him though. He had an enormous amount of stress on his back and he wanted to take it one step at a time. I definitely was going to help him and try and figure this problem out.

      Anthea was a good solution for sure. He was quite the warrior himself. I remember how hard he fought in the war. His hair was pretty long and it was dark and went to blonde-ish. He'd be around soon I was sure.

      I might've had to leave to my planet soon. Narcissus might flip out though.

      I felt my braids in my hands. Whenever a friend of mine died, I'd put a jewel or crystal in my hair. Usually whatever I found in the area. Anthea's death made me put a piece of gold in my hair. I kept it in one of my armor pockets for right now. Just in case these rumors and messages I heard were lies.

     I had to make sure to not believe it for now. Half of me believed he was alive. The other half didn't. I made sure to keep the gold just in case the half I believed was wrong. I wasn't throwing nothing away yet. Anthea was golden to me. That's why I did the gold.

      I sipped the drink in my hands and pondered the issues we'd have to deal with ahead. Narcissus was right. Deal with what you can handle and take it one step at a time. I couldn't help but feel some sort of envy for his ideas. He had a clear mindset even though he had a rude heart most of the time. I also wondered why he never told people about his powers. To be fair I don't think I ever told him about mine.

     I would've told him anyway. I sat down in his room at the end where the couch was and began to ponder. He hadn't revealed anything close to his powers. I was confused as to what they were. One day I would find out I was sure. Or maybe I already seen it in action but didn't notice. Narcissus spoke some warrior tongue in his sleep last night too. He muttered it anyway. Either way, I had a word or two for him.

     Knowledgeable, mature and wise.

     And what I felt?



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