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So as I lost all my work a lot of my unfinished stories will be getting revamped I hope you guys enjoy the new ones also check this one out and tell me what you think if your interested hit the add book to library button lol: " A HOPELESS ROMANTIC" REVAMPED

Shai was living in her very own fairytale dream, she had her own NBA Prince charming about to start her own business, surrounded by friends that loved her as if they were sisters. But just like most fairytales she must deal with evil stepmothers, fake siblings. And on one faithful day Shai's fairytale dream turned into the worst nightmare when she faced with betrayal lost without anyone to turn to Shai must overcome so many bumpy Roads before she can find happiness again. But who knows, just like Cinderella her knight in shining armor may come in the form of the one person she didn't expect.


Their he stood in all his glory standing at 6'2 , weighing in at 220 pounds of all muscle his golden hair messy as if he ran a hand through it a few times he eye fucked her body before taking steps towards his prey backing her Into the wall caging her in he watch her breathing become shallow and was pretty sure her heart sped up as he looked down into her brown eyes as she watched him with a lustful eyes.

  "What are you doing Dom?" she asked, feeling herself become wet from his presence alone.

  "What do you mean what am I doing I've warned you to many times the moment he fucked up you will be mines." He said running his eyes down her body taking in every curve to memory.

  "Dominic you're my little bothers friend I told you I can't do this" she felt herself panting as his hands gripped her waistline pulling her closer, he could feel her harden nipples and she felt herself moan from his Dior cologne alone.

  "Your mouth is saying one thing but I'm sure if I pull down your pants ill find you wet and dripping for me so why keep beating around the bush, I want you" he stated before he caught her off guard and kissed her.

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