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" Thank you baby for everything" I whispered to my wife who looked up at me teary eyed as I sat down next to her in pharaoh who just sucked on his mothers breast knowing he had no care in the world. " he is so damn cute I cant believe his actually here in my arms" she cried as pharaoh looked at his mother like she was crazy eyebrows raised in all this kid was gonna be a character I knew it.

" calm down baby look how he's looking at you like your crazy" I said laughing as he watched her suspiciously mean mugging her he sorted acted like rebel nonchalant attitude and all what the hell I did I do to this baby.

"Are you gonna tell your family were here?" she asked me as I held a staring contest with my son as he mugged me.

" tomorrow right now I just want to enjoy you two can I do that" I asked her as she nodded her head rubbing his head molding it as pharaoh slowly was falling asleep as she hummed a lala bye to him his mouth unlatched from her nipple as she covered her self burping him in his sleep his wild straight hair all over his head.

I tipped her head back and kissed her lips softly as she moaned in my mouth as the kiss deepen as heard a knock on the door causing us to separate and me to fix her nightgown before yelling enter and the door opened slowly revealing my father with a bouquet of blue roses " im sorry rio alerted me she was in labor I had to come meet my little nipote I wasn't waiting in till tomorrow"my father said walking into the room near bria placing a kiss on her head before placing the roses on nightstand next to her bed as she held pharaoh out to him as he smiled at his grandson.

" he looks like a beautiful mixture of you both" he said smiling as he went to take off his suit jacket and wash his hands as bria passed the baby to his grandfather who held him to his chest speaking to him in Italian making me smile as bria laid back in the bed watching along with me it was his first grandchild it was expected I just didn't tell my wife but we were gonna be here in Italy for a while since I had no under-boss I couldn't leave.

my wife let out a yawn as I watched her eyes close then open I knew she was exhausted shit after what she just did I wont ever question a woman's strength again. " go to sleep baby I got him" I whispered to her as she nodded her head turning over on her side falling asleep. " hai avuto la possibilità di parlarle come ti ho detto?" my father asked as I shook my head no { did you get a chance to talk to her like i told you to}

"nessun papà che non ho avuto la possibilità di fare con tutto ciò che stava succedendo avrei aspettato fino a stasera" I explained to him as he nodded his head in agreement as pharaoh decided to open his eyes again mugging my father this damn boy was something else {no dad i didnt get a chance to with all thats been going on i was gonna wait until tonight }

"ha una tazza infernale" my father said laughing a pharaoh causing him to smirk at my dad { he have one hell of a mean mug}

"dove Mario" I questioned my father as he looked up from pharaoh to me then back at the baby {wheres Mario}

" stare con i suoi genitori" he said as he made a face causing my son to look away from his grandfather bored making me shake my head at this kid whos not even 3 hours old {staying with his parents }

"tua madre voleva venire ma io le dissi che era meglio che rimanesse a casa" my father said holding my son out to me to take as I grabbed him fixing his blanket as he snuggled into me yawning looking around {your mother wanted to come but i told her its best she stay home }

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