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   "What is alejandro doing in your office?" i asked my husband who stood next to me looking at the screen as confused and curious as me.

  " i dont even know but i plan to find out pass me that remote" he said as i passed him the controller and he pressed a button that enlarged the screen as we watched him snoop through papers on his desk.

  " do you think he is the mole?" i asked hurtful feeling spread in my chest as i felt stupid for so easily trusting a person i barely knew that yet again wanted to cause me bodily harm.

  " baby your guess is as good as mind" he responded watching ali as he tried to turn on the computer but it wouldnt turn on.

   "what are you doing in here?" we heard mario voice as he caught alejandro red handed i watched ali slighly pale caught in his act.

   " oh bria texted me and asked me to look in see if her ring was in here she dropped it somewhere i was simply retracing her steps" alejandro lied rendering me and mase speechless.

" oh well did you find it" mario asked as ali shook his head no  " well lets get out of here mason doesnt like anyone in his office lets go out for some fro-yo or something i need some air before i go to this meeting" mario said as he laid ali out the office closing the door back as i moved to sit down on the couch.

 " wow" i mumbled looking down at my wedding bands dread filling my heart as i felt my eyes water as i held back a sob.

   " hey charlie i need a favor if you aren't to busy" i heard causing me to look up at my husband talking on the phone replaying the video we just watched of ali looking around his office.

 " i need a full background check on Alejandro muco full all way back to birth i need it in an hour get your team on it i got five million for whoever gets what i need" mason said hanging up.

 " stop crying bri" he said turning around looking at me " he's not worth your tears" he knelled down in front of me wiping my eyes as i tried to calm down.

  " i know but this sucks baby"  i told him as he shook his head smiling up at me.

 " come cook with me " he told me pulling me up off the couch guiding me to the kitchen.


   " Did you find the file?" i asked my brother who let out a sigh already letting me know it was a fail.

  " αδελφός προσπάθησα, αλλά πιάστηκε πόσο περισσότερο πρέπει να ψεύτικο αυτό θέλω να έρθω σπίτι" {brother i tried but i got caught how much longer do i have to fake this i want to come home}

 "αν σταματήσετε να παίζετε τον κώλο με την γαμημένη βοήθεια θα πάρετε το γαμημένο αρχείο" i demanded {if you stop playing grab ass with the fucking help you would get the fucking file}

 i hung up the phone looking over at her as she rush to put back on her clothes " where are you going baby" i asked her as she smiled briefly pulling on her bra and pants.

 " i have to make it back home before lucus gets suspicious" she said as she blew me a kiss rushing out the hotel room.

  soon this would all be over i waited almost thirty years for this moment and vengeance is mine!

Mason Russo

   "This is really good baby" she said as she ate the shrimp ravioli i made with the Alfredo sauce most people didn't know i could cook but for her ill cook for her anytime she wanted me to.

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