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 Mason Russo

   With bria entering her ninth month of pregnancy i opted with working from home the birth of my babies were more important to me then anything else and i really couldn't wait to meet my little princess. Bria's been very unbearable to be around but i love her and i put her in this position in the first place. she was in what flora said her nesting stage i must've missed this this stage with Pharaoh. she constantly complained about how uncomfortable she was but i stuck it out because i refuse to leave my wife while she was dealing with this.

 " mase" i heard her yell from the baby room causing me to groan and go towards Aurora's room where she stood in a puddle of fluid. she looked up at me wide eyed her eyes held fear as her lip trembled " my water broke" she cried as she held her face in i stood frozen in place.

  " MASE" she yelled snapping me back to reality " oh shit" i said jumping into action rushing towards her but ended up slipping in her fluids i hit the floor so hard.

 i blacked out momentary  before a hard hit my stomach causing me groan " Mason get the fuck up we dont have time for this foolish bullshit" she snapped as she stormed out the bedroom as i sat up and climbed up the floor rushing out the room after her as i rubbed the back of my head that shit hurt i needed to make a mental note to make sure we get carpet in room before daddy baby hurt herself badly.

 By the time i reached the hospital room bria was already in her gown and sitting up in the bed as flora was hooking her up the monitors and machines. " finally" she snapped as she eyed me and looked away i was still rubbing my head.

 Doctor Adam strolled in the room suited up with a energy drink in his hand i swear something was wrong with this one "  Mrs. Russo so its finally time?" he asked stupidly as i rolled my eyes.

 " check my wife Adam" i growled at him as he finished his drink and washed his hands and pulled on his gloves as he stepped up to Bria and checked in between her legs i looked away feeling rebel slipping through the barrier.

 "well Bria your about 8 centimeters dilated" he said as he moved back and pulled off his gloves." you didn't feel any pain at all today?" he questioned her as she shook her head 

 " just the normal " she said as flora came back in with a cup of ice and passed it to her as she groaned and at the site of it and crunched on some ice chips.

  After about three agonizing hours later my baby girl finally entered the world it took a lot of punches from bria screams and crying before she pushed her out she was born with a head full of hair but she was beautiful.

 Aurora Gina Russo weighted at 7 pound and 6 ounces she was beautiful and Mason was in love all over again, leaning over bria he placed a kiss on her sweaty forehead " thank you" i whispered to her as she closed her eyes and the tears fell down he...

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 Aurora Gina Russo weighted at 7 pound and 6 ounces she was beautiful and Mason was in love all over again, leaning over bria he placed a kiss on her sweaty forehead " thank you" i whispered to her as she closed her eyes and the tears fell down her cheeks.

 A knock on the door popped our little bubble we were in as i walked over towards it and opened it finding my Nonna standing their healthy as a horse and very active Pharaoh trying to pry his hands from her hold as she held a firm hold on him.

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