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   Bria jumped out of her sleep as the hairs on her arm stood and goose bumps appeared something was truly wrong she got out of her bed as she grabbed her silk robe rushing out of her bedroom peaking in to check on pharaoh first then going to check on nonna who was sound sleep not knowing what caused her gut feeling she heading down stairs heading towards masons office which she found empty she walked over to the desk phone and calling his phone which rang through out then she was greeted by the voicemail sighing and hanging up the phone she tried the number again receiving the same thing as the first time she hung up the phone walking to the main foyer as slowly aggravated mad at her self for not getting any of his main guards numbers but her thoughts were short lived as the double front doors were pushed open and rushed in Dino and a few nameless guys carrying in a bloody mason her heart stop in her chest.

" mason" she screamed out rushing towards an unconscious mason who had blood rushing out of his shoulder as she frantically ripped open his bloody shirt seeing a bullet hole in his stomach she felt herself become nauseous as she swallowed the acidly taste she looked up at Dino who eyes looked glossy " Mrs. Russo we have to take him to the doc" he plead with her as she moved out the way rushing behind them as they headed to their medical wing.

Once Dino enter the medical wing he placed him down on the bed as tom rushed in with the newly hired doctor named Adam they had on stand by " everybody out i need to save Mr. Russo" he ushered every one out but bria remained un moving  as  Dr Adam began to cut off masons bloody clothes.

 " Mrs. Russo i no this is a lot to take in can you please stop out of the room he asked her as bria crossed her arms under her chest as she glared at the doctor " im not moving a damn place until my husband his stable you understand me stop fucking talking to me and get the fucking bullets out of his damn body" she demanded as Adam gulped jumping into action doing all he could do for his boss.

 Maybe an hour into masons surgery bria heard nonna Gina's voice causing her to step out the room seeing her she looked devastated and pissed off. " what the hell happened to my grandson" Gina demanded as the guards around stood up looking down nervous as hell.

 " After boss left the meeting he said he had a meeting he didn't say with who just that he had a meeting he took Rio with him shortly after he left maybe an hour or so i relieved a call  from mason im guess after he found Rio dead then i heard what had to be a woman say " if i cant have you she wont either" followed by the gun shots we traced his location and we found them bleeding out" Dino said as the tears ran down his face no one knew how to feel to loose a twin brother so everyone ignored his tears .

 " well what are yall standing around for mason is in good hands go out their and get the footage from the restaurant i want that little bitch found now because someone is going to pay" Gina yelled out as the guard present rushed out the room following orders after the two most important woman and mason's life were left Gina started coughing stumbling against the near by wall causing bria to rush towards her catching her before she fell ushering her to the nearest chair she found she knelled in front of her making sure she was okay.

" i have" Gina tried to catch her breath but she felt her heart beating erratically beating as bria rushed to get the oxygen tank from the nurse station hooking it up for her as she calmed down as she breath in the fresh air that was gently opening her air ways moving the mask from her face Gina looked at bria " i have to find out who did this" she said as she tried to stand up but couldn't she fell back down .

" no nonna your gonna relax and let the guys deal with this i cant loose the both of yall" bria told her as nonna nodded her in agreement.

 hearing a throat clear causing both ladies to look up at doctor Adam " yes" bria asked as she stood up looking at the doctor 

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