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  "let me guess he said no " ali asked as I walked into the kitchen where he was eating.

"he said he have to get me a security team first" I said annoyed by his over protective nature but I knew I would appreciate it in the long run.

"my bella" I heard from behind me as I turned seeing julissa standing holding a towel making me smile as I walked to her arms giving her a hug my smile a mile wide.

" julissa I missed you" I told her honestly it didnt matter how fast that 6 months was she became a big part of my life In a really short time.

" I miss you to let me see this ring now" she said holding my hand glancing down at my rings.

" my boy did a good job so am I a grandma yet" she asked her accent heavy on her tongue making me blush red.

" no baby yet but leave it up to Mason I will be barefoot in pregnant" I told her as we moved to sit at the breakfast nook with ali.

" yes I'm sure are u hungry?"she asked as I nodded my head sitting down as she went over to the stove filling my plate up with pasta and meat sauce passing it to me as I thanked her and said grace.

" so since I cant go outside what are we gonna do" I asked as I swirled the noodles on my fork.

" watch movies and sip wine and catch up on your honeymoon activities" ali offered making me blush.



"why you so happy?" mario asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head as if what she did to me wasnt still on my mind now I've gotten head before but I've never gotten it like that before.

" you sure" mario asked looking at me skeptical as hell.

" yes" i brushed him off as we drove out the garage as I looked out the window at the New York skyline.

" so ali wants to tour new york I was thinking of taking him later" Mario said as I nodded In agreement it's only right if he spends time with his husband.

" go a head I need to spend a little time with my own wife so enjoy" I said as Luigi pulled up in front of Russo towers as we stepped out walking into the building.

" welcome back mr.russo" the doorman greeted as I nodded my head as we headed for the elevators.

" is elle in yet?" I questioned Mario as he nodded his head looking at something in his phone.

when the elevator door opened I saw the 5'2 blonde hair assistant of mine waiting their with a big smile on her face.

" hey boss congratulations are in order" she gushed as I walked by her walking straight into my office as she followed.

I sat at my desk waiting for her to go over the products and files that I missed while away.

" well everyone sent in their monthly payments no shortages I had Marko go collect the debts and put them in the bank your mother called twice this morning and you have a meeting with mr. Richardson at 3pm" she said reading her copy of my schedule off her ipad mini.

" great" I told her as I turned on my computer looking up noticing she was still standing their.

" yes elle?" I asked as she looked at me strange.

" oh nothing boss your just in an unusually good mood its troubling" she stammered looking at me nervous probably thinking she over stepped her boundaries.

" what can I say my blame my wife" I said shrugging my shoulders as she smiled happily.

" well do" she said as she turned and walked out the office but stopped short calling my name causing me to look up at her.

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