Venti Quattro

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  By the time bria eyes reopened the sunlight was breaking through the curtains in the room she sat up slowly glancing around the room holding the silk sheet over her ample breast as she noticed she was alone. getting out the bed she drug the sheet with her to the bathroom as she turned on the hot water in the shower standing in front of the bathroom mirror she scrunched up her face to the imagine she saw her hair was hell hickeys painted her neck and shoulder down to her breast her lips were still swollen she looked a hot ass mess. 

  Reliving herself on the toilet she brushed her teeth with an available toothbrush she found on the counter top then she stepped into the glass shower allowing the steam to relax her sore muscles. leaning on the wall she sighed tired as hell. after washing her hair and body she cut the water off and exited the shower stall going back inside the room finding a box sitting on the bed.

 Moving towards the gift box she held the towel close to her body as she pulled the ribbon off the white box and opened the lid finding a white sun dress inside she placed it on the bed also seeing a matching pair of under garments inside also lotion up she gotten dress putting her hair into a top bun as she exited the room going to look for her husband.

  as she walked up the steps she heard his voice as he gave orders's as she followed the yelling finding him dressed down in cargo shorts and a t shirt his feet bare as he spoke on his cell confusing me knowing their couldn't be any service since they were in the middle of no where just sailing across the ocean.

  Walking up behind him she wrapped her arms around his middle as he continued to talk on the phone she felt his hand squeeze her hand making her smile as she closed her eyes leaning on his back as the breeze caressed her face.

 "morning love" he greeted her as she whispered it back as he turned around in her arms holding her close.

 " thank you for last night" she told him looking up in his hazel eyes as he smirked bending to place a kiss on her forehead " anything for you" he told her as they rocked as he seen one of the kitchen staff walk towards them stopping half way stopping " ciao sir ma'am brunch is served" she said as she walked off .

  Mason grabbed her hand pulling her to the open deck where they were eating brunch at he had an astray of food anything she could imagine was plated as he pulled out her seat then sitting down next to her as the staff came with mimosa in a glass jar as they indulged in the amazing they prepared for them.

 After brunch they moved to the open lounge area as mason and bria relaxed enjoying each others company she noticed they were approaching land as she sat up seeing just a glance of the mansion as she took in its beauty she noticed their was guards with guns waiting on the dock as she tensed up mason stood up passing her a pair of sandles from the side of him as he stood up putting on his black Jordan's as the boat docked and mason stepped off as the guard nodded their head in respect for their boss as bria followed surprised but following her husband.

  Following a stone path bria took in the beautiful trees and scenery as they neared a stone wall as mason put a code into the wall and the wall moved and they entered the back yard of the mansion it was miles and miles of land as he guided her to a white golf cart as he started it up driving them along the stone path as they gotten to the main part of the yard and she saw a pool and louge chairs mason parked the cart near the steps as he gotten out helping her out as he guiding her up the steps he opened the door and she was speechless taking in the decor when she heard a very familiar laugh and giggle as a brighter smile graced her face as she was guided to a white on white living room leaving her at awe at what she saw nonna was sitting on the floor playing with roro who was in a rocker chair laughing his little heart away.

 " ciao my loves" she greeted them making them smile at how carefree she looked.


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