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     Bria was absolutely tired Mason kept her up all night she was drained happily they were having a late wedding she got to catch up on her much needed beauty sleep. Even thou they didnt have sex they sat up cuddled on the couch learning more about each other he wanted them to know each other inside and out and she loved the idea.

  Flashback to 4 hours ago

    After dinner they showered and found theirselves on the couch talking about random things when Mason brought it up " tell me about your parents"? he questioned causing her to tense up looking down at her rhinestone covered nails.

  "Well my real parents died when i was 16 in a car accident it was raining outside and a truck driver lost control and the truck tumbled out of control hitting my parents car off the expressway they died on impact, i was then transferred into Forster care shorty after i was adopted by the rogers my name before the adoption was briana keys but my new parents changed my name all together i didnt mind it though". she told him as he listened interested in her story

 " michelle and eric rogers were a young couple they found out they couldnt have children but loved children so when they got me they got 3 other kids they were good parents to me i never went without like most children do i was lucky and grateful to them for everything who knows where i wouldve ended up without them". she said as she let out a sigh.

 " bria i never stopped you from contacting them" he told her as she nodded her head he knew she missed them her old life he wasnt stupid.

  " mase i know i just want a break from that life me and my parents weren't on good terms when i got with tyrin my dad didnt approve but i didnt listen i just knew they wanted to ruin my life if only they knew the reason, and i haven't contacted them is because they are judgmental and instead of asking am i okay they would be looking down at me with their told you so's" she said making him tighten his hold on her as she slumped down in his hold more.

 " what about you is this the life you wanted or it was forced on you?" she asked him as he looked out the window at his backyard.

  " when i was younger while most children would be protected from this life my father was training me for this moment of course i wanted to play with toy cars and play video games i wasnt allowed to my father was very strict on me he wasnt abusive but he always wanted a son for this reason he told me if he Isabella first instead of me he would've had to pass his title down to uncle Gabriel he didnt want that " he stated

   " uncle Gabriel wasnt to fond about my birth because he hated my mother my grandparents hated my mother, my parents marriage wasnt something either family wanted but they loved each other they got married in secret once my dad found out she was pregnant with my older brother donte shortly after they waited until my mom was in her 8th month of pregnancy to announce it to the family my moms father wasnt so pleased he shot her in the stomach in hopes of killing the child and he succeed in doing so.

   " so when my mother got pregnant with me my dad kept her sheltered  until my birth after that i was basically the golden child then Mario was born and it became competitive we had to fight for the position when i won my father was so proud i was happy he was happy but deep down i didnt want it i wanted to be a regular kid but after a while i had to just face reality this was my life." he said as she ran a hand through his hair helping him relax at her touch.

 " would you give our children a choice" she asked him making his heart beat raptly at the thought of her barefoot in pregnant in their home.

  " you plan on staying here and remaining married to me" he asked her curious of her answer.

 " Duh stupido questo è per sempre" making him smile at her speaking in his native tone {stupid this is forever} " ali taught me" she blushed as he kissed her forehead.

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