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      "Baby do you see smoke?" Ali asked me as we neared the house causing me to speed up the drive way eyes wide as i watched the beautiful mansion go up in flames "merda" i cursed parking the car getting out with alejandro in tow as we stood wide eye and shock i knew something had to happen for this to happen realization flashed in my mind as i jumped quick in action.

   " get in the car we gotta go" i told my husband as he jumped in action as i pulled off out the driveway away from the house hearing  the fire department in a distance. i headed to the only place i could only think of my cousin going to and that was the safe house in Brooklyn, NY.

  By the time we reached their with the traffic i parked in front of the Louis heaton pink housing projects grabbing my gun getting out the house walking into the building where the safe house was located in walking pass some of our lower workers known ass the local drug dealers in this project development.

    I nodded at some of them and walked into the building pressing the button to the elevator gagging at the piss stench that clouded my nostril passages. once the doors opened we stepped in and i pressed the emergency button turning my key in the fire department slot as the elevator started to move upward.

 " where the hell are we" Ali asked me as i looked over at him smiling slightly then looked away at the button panel on the wall.

  " five years ago my cousin gotten this crazy idea to make a safe house that would be so over looked it would be the last place anyone would look for so he started to look for places but none were ideal so one night we had a meeting at linden wood diner not to far from here and it went bad and we had to get low and we ran here because we were out numbered and we ran in this very building guys here helped us out so in turn we put them on mason brought the whole building and while the hallways could've been cleaned up he left it that same way and brought out the whole top two floors and no one doesn't even know" i  said as the doors opened and we stepped out to the luxurious apartment.

  Mason truly out did him self this apartment had everything you can honestly need 4 bedroom 4 bathroom a full stainless steel kitchen a library and gym a spa an a movie room. stepping into the living room area i heard a t.v playing in a distance letting me know they was here. 

   " ima show you to my room then ima go seek out mason i need to know what happened while we was gone" i told ali i knew he was tired from the little trip we went on just flying back in this morning. i showed him my room which was on the same floor just a short walk from the gym. 

  I turned on the lights seeing my room untouched " the bathroom is right here" i showed him the door on the left of the room turning on the light for him " in this is the closet theirs clothes in their for you" i told him as he yawned again as i kissed him gently on the lips walking out the room.

   I headed upstairs where masons office was at i saw the door opened and him focused on the monitor in front of him he looked stressed.  " ben tornato" { welcome back} he greeted as i cracked a slight smile closing the door behind me sitting down on the red leather chair this room was completely sound proof.

   " what the fuck is going on" i asked him as he sighed running his hand through his hair creating a wild look to his already wild eyes.

   " a fucking shit storm that's what" he grunted looking back the monitor his focus was off.

  " elaborate" i told him still confused at his clip tone and his actions i never seen my cousin this out of control before.

    So he started to explain what the hell have went down leaving me speechless " well how many did we loose i asked after he finished as he stood up walking over to the bar making him a drink.

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