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   Once Mason received the text he called bria's security team

"boss" rex the head of security answered on the first ring.

" wheres my wife rex" he questioned standing up pacing his office floor.

"shes coming out the bridal shop now mr.Russo" he answered causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

" take her home code red you protect what's mine by all course if you come back to my house without her you mind as well kill yourself cause when I'm done with chopping up your body parts and feeding it to my loins ima start on ur family understand" he demanded hanging up on rex as he already knew what type of time his boss was on.

one more day that's all he needed without the drama so he can marry her he was already prepared for any threats he had nothing but his best armed guards surrounding her and even watching her she was more protected then the first lady.

he called mario victor and Leo up to his office as he grabbed the bottle of scotch.

As soon as he sat down in his chair the door opened as they walked and sat down waiting for him to speak

Mason Russo

" I just received a threat on my fiance's head as you guys know I dont take any kind of threat lightly so victor I need u to track back the last number that texted me I want i.p addresses track it down , Leo I need u to do another background check on bria see if she had any old enemies I dont give a fuck if they looked at her wrong find out." I ordered as they both rushed out the room to following orders as mario just leaned back in the chair looking at me questioning

" what's wrong I never seen u panic so much" mario asked as I took another shot of scotch.

I threw my phone across the glass desk as he raised a bushy eyebrow my way. " wow" he said as he seen the second text I got from the same number of bria trying on the dress.

" let's take a ride" I told him as I stood up walking out of my office grabbing my keys to my Bugatti Veyron as we walked out my torture house I unlocked the car and we hopped in I pulled off.

I knew I was doing over the speeding limit but I really didn't give a fuck I seen mario place his seat belt on as I begin to do over 95 making me smirk I slowed down to 55 as we reached the city part and I drove straight to the bridal shop she was at.

parking in front of it I reached under my seat grabbing my Black glock 17. I turned the car off as I got out with mario in toll we walked into the bridal shop I scooped it out seeing it empty Mario guarded the door as I walked up to the sales representative placing the gun by her head.

" I'm only gonna ask this once who else is in this store" I asked her as she gasped in whimpered.

" just me sir the other girl she lefted" she shuddered over her words.

" who took a picture of the black woman that was in the store you or her" I asked pressing the gun deeper into her head.

" it wasn't me her name is Susan Maxine she lives on the eastern side of Bologna that's all I kno shes usually a quiet girl it was shocking to see her even talk to anyone but she insisted on helping the woman" she cried as I removed the gun as she cried in her hands.

" you have cameras" I asked as she nodded her head.

" give me the tapes and the files of employees now" I demanded as she rushed off to the back with mario following her as I looked around at the gowns around the store.

Proteggere Mrs. RussoWhere stories live. Discover now