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  "can we go now?" I begged this fool who was forcing me to spend his money which was mind blowing enough.

" fine" Mason said looking at the sales associates that was helping us. " you can start ringing everything up Jocelyn" he said as she looked at the other too associates as they began to bring the boxes to the register.

" you have issues mr.russo" I told him as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder holding me close as we walked to the register.

Mason laughed at my antics as he looked at the total prices racking up on the screen making me roll my eyes at the $15,000 total.

" how would u be paying sir" Jocelyn asked

Mason simply pulled out his wallet passing her the black Amex as she stucked the chip in the slot as I watched her eye Mason hungrily as I cleared my throat causing her to snap her eyes to me as I gave her my best bitch get smacked face as she gulped focusing at her job at hand.

" stop being mean" Mason whispered against my forehead making me roll my eyes.

" sign here sir" Jocelyn said passing him the card in a pen he signed his name as he pocked his card and she passed him the bags as he passed me two while he had 8.

" hungry" he asked as I shook my head no as we walked out the store an into his car.

I sat in the passenger seat watching him put the bags in the trunk then walk around to the driver side.

" so the wedding is tommrow" Mason said to me as he pulled out into the on going traffic.

" so?" I questioned not really caring yes it hurt alot but let's get real why cry over spilled milk and I was happy.

" Briana" he dragged my name making it sound sexy as hell with his accent.

" Mason" I dragged his back making him smirk as he enter the highway heading back to jersey.

" I Already r.s.v.p" Mason said moving out the way as I punched his arm causing the car to swerve.

" yo stop with the shit bria" he groaned as the car next to us beeped its horn making Mason flash them his finger making me laugh.

" oh you think shit is funny huh" Mason said as i felt the car going faster and i felt myself start to panic.

" Mason slow down" I plead as I watched the speedometer dial climb higher it was reaching 110 as I closed my eyes praying silently.

my body jerked as he swiftly switched lanes speeding to exit the highway he slowed down as I peeked open seeing us slowing at the traffic light.

" you mad at me" he asked as I ignored him looking out the window he pissed me the fuck off.

I heard him sigh as he pulled into the private property we lived in as we stopped at the security gates Mason pressed a button on the dashboard as the gates opened as we drove up and I saw his men dress in black in the bushes only getting a brief glimpse of them from the car lights.

" are they out here all night" I asked out the blue curious.

" yes they get paid gracefully" he said pulling up to the doorway as he parked the car cutting it off catching my arm before I got out the car.

" I'm sorry for scaring you but were not gonna play this hitting stuff" he told me as I nodded my head looking down at my wedding bands.

" I'm sorry for hitting you" I said as he pulled me into a brief kiss.

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