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 Bria Russo

Its been 3 and half months since ive seen or heard from my husband a month since ive left the Bianchi household , yes i appreciated kia and Alex generosity but i just wanted to be alone i was better off that way anyway.

  I check in every week with alex whom became a close friend to me more like a big brother i didn't ask for but needed at the moment be gave me brief updates on my estrange husband but i chose not to give a reaction i just wanted  to move on with my life.

   Being Mrs.Russo had its perks with alex help i was able to get a 2 bedroom apartment in a very upscale building in queens, ny which was close to my doctors office with me being almost 5 months pregnant and high risk due to me stressing about my husband disappearance i needed to be as close as i can be to the hospital.

   When i first found out i was pregnant i was shocked but happy to be blessed to have a second chance to be a mother then the realization that my husband isnt here set in then loneliness started to sink it i found myself slowly falling back into a deep depression.

   On my first doctors appointment my new doctor miss foster informed me of something that yet again shocked me with how far along i was i cried finding out i was 3 months along it was a rough time for me but i remained strong for my child knowing i had someone to live for now. i couldn't just think about mason i had to think about our child.

   My days became longer and my nights shorter the great thing about my unborn blessing was i haven't experienced was morning sickness i just felt like i pissed all damn night my craving for chocolate donuts is what kept me going.

  " whats a beautiful woman like you doing sitting alone" i heard from behind me making me turn to look over my shoulder at the fine man standing in front of me i blushed at his compliment looking down at my fingers.

    " i was reading" i answered him looking up at him as he chuckled looking me in my eyes.

    He took a glance at the title of the book i was reading and smile " what to expect when your expecting huh?" he questioned making me smile closing my book placing it inside my bag  next to me on the park bench.

  " im sorry if im over stepping my boundaries but you dont even look pregnant" he said making me laugh because ive heard that alot.

  " yup five months" i told him standing up ready to take my leave " look it was nice talking to you but i have to go you have a great day" i told him walking away leaving him speechless i glanced over my shoulder seeing him watching me walk away.

 Even if my stupid baby father decided to go on a rampage didnt mean i would disrespect him in myself even if it felt good to have a man say nice things about me and i missed being held at night i didnt have time for distractions my baby needed me more then any thing.

    " Had a nice walk mrs.russo" danny the door man for my building asked me holding the door for her as she smiled nodded walking through the door towards the elevators.

  " oh mrs.russo you have a package" she heard a voice calling her as she turned to see cavin the desk guy say as she walked towards him as he stood up walking into the mail room behind him as she leaned on the desk her feet burning from the long walk she took.

  " here you go it came today" he said passing her the small package as she thanked him taking the package walking towards the opened elevator that had residents exiting she pressed the 14th floor button on the panel and leaned on the sliver wall looking down to study the package that just had her name written on it with no return label.

  Hearing the elevator ding she exited on her floor shaking the box as she walked hearing something inside she kept testing the weight in her hands as she dig in her bag to grab her keys as she reached her apartment door.

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