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  " WHAT THE HELL YOU MEAN MARRIED?" I Yelled feeling myself slowly panic.

  " well your gonna have to ask your future husband that im just suppose to deliver you to the chapel" mario said looking smug slowly pissing me off.

 " Call your cousin right now" i demanded as he pulled out his iphone x pressing a name on the screen as he placed it on speaker,  

"quello che è successo sta bene" he rushed on the phone making me smirk at his actions. {what happened is she okay}

 " mase" i spoke as the line became quiet , " if you dont speak on this line your gonna be marrying yourself" i said imagining his face.

  "si bella im here wassup?" he asked making me blush.

 "what is nonsense is mario speaking when did you get down on one knee and ask me to be your wife?" i questioned 

  " Bella just get dress and go with mario we will talk when you get here si?" he said making me sigh.

  " fine mason" i huffed hanging up getting off the couch looking down at my sweatsuit then passing mario his phone back and rolling my eyes as mario smirked holding his hand out for me to accept and he pulled me out the house. 

    Once we got in the black truck he tapped on the front seat as the driver drove off making me sigh looking out the window at the beautiful scenery the million vineyards that passed us as the suburbs disappeared and the city life of rome italy appeared.

    " well where are we going?" i questioned as i turned to look at mario who was steady texting on his phone not paying me any attention as i looked back at the buildings and the structures.

    " Russo cooperation" he said and a clip tone basically ending the conversion as he answered his phone speaking in fluent Italian.

  I tuned him out looking out the window fading the world out.


"ti ha fatto passare un brutto periodo lasciando la casa" i asked mario {did she give u a hard time leaving the house}.

"no, non ha dato problemi alle sue idee" mario asked {no she gave no problem shes just in her thoughts} "Mason questo potrebbe sfuggire di mano forse dovremmo mandarla a casa" mario asked pissing me off {mason this may be getting out of hand maybe we should send her home0}

"NON VA DOVE DOVE SIAMO QUI CON ME" I demanded feeling my self becoming pissed all over again {SHE GOES NO WHERE SHE STAYS HERE WITH ME}

 "perché vai a queste misure per proteggere il suo muratore che la ami?" mario asked making me become quiet {why your going to these measures to protect her mason you love her?}

 "" was all i said and hanging up causing me to sigh looking out the window as i  closed my eyes, and i dont remember falling for her but it happened slowly waking up to her eating lunch breakfast and dinner,  she became an obsession , a possession  my own personally drug.

 20 minutes or so passed.."signore loro sono dei frequentatori qui per te" i heard elle voice came through the intercom on the wall. {sir theirs a here for you?}

 "mandala dentro" i spoke turning around running my hand through my already messy hair facing the door as i watched her walk in looking sexy as fuck pressing the intercom botton again " non voglio essere disturbato dopo questo elle" i said in a clipped tone. {i dont wanna be bothered after this elle}

    she walked gracefully into my office standing in front of me with her arms crossed she was pissed i can tell " hey baby?" i greeted her as she rolled her eyes.

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