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" you like it huh" Mason asked me making me jump out my sleep turning around to find him standing before me in red silk pajama pants that hung low off his narrow hips drying his hair with a Towel I felt both of my lips get wet "huh?" I questioned . 

" The bed baby you like it?" cleared my throat as he smirked at me clearly knowing what I was thinking about. " yes it nice I thought I told you that" I said looking around laying back on the comfortable bed.

 "Are you hungry" he asked me as he threw the towel across the room on to the black leather chase as he sat on the bed next to me. " I was waiting for you I wasn't sure did you eat or not" i told him as he reached over me giving me a wisp of his body wash which cause both my mouth and my lower region to water.

  Listen to him place an order in, speaking in fluent Italian placing the phone receiver on the hook settling back down next to me he reached for the remote in between us and as soon as his fingers brushed against mines those feelings were back fluttering in my spine causing goosebumps to appear on my arms which he took notice to also smirking while looking me in my eyes. 

 I felt him leaning in slowly carefully looking into my eyes looking for my fear im sure of but for right now their wasnt a bit of fear in me i wanted this i wanted this man. i closed my eyes anticipating his lips touching mines but the knock at the door caused me to freeze opening my eyes looking into his and he looked pissed.

 "Enter" he demanded moving from his leaning position over me standing completely off the bed leaving me feeling like a complete fool as one of the maids entered pushing the silver trolley with a large platter on it.

 "grazie" he murmured to the maid that nodded her head running out the room like she had fire lit on her ass. he took the lid off the platter looking up at me he smiled " eat with me" mason offered smiling holding out a four in my direction causing me to blush not at the food but it was the first real one on his handsome face.

  After they ate bria finally mustered up the courage to finally speak to mason about something she wanted " hey mase" she called over to him as he watched sports center causing him to look over at her questionably.

  " So i have some things i would like to talk to you about" i said to him as he muted the television giving me his undivided attention.  " shoot" he said coming to sit right beside of me his closeness was doing unspeakable things to my lower region.

  " so ive been thinking since im gonna be here for the next 6 months or so that ima be stuck in the house could i probably take up a course at the college or get a job or something" was the first thing i asked as i looked to the side of me seeing him pondering what i asked of him.

  " well" he started as he ran a hand through his already sex bed hair "im not gonna lie to you bria this isnt a good idea" he said as i sighed looking down knowing this was a bad idea.


  Hearing her sigh sadly damn near was my ending i didn wanna upset her not after all she been through if anything i wanted to make her happy at least.  " listen bria this is why i felt like we needed to get to know each other so their are no secrets between us" i said turning to face her instead causing sitting next to her wasnt helping i needed to look her in the face.

  " look at me bella" i whispered to her as her head raised and she looked me in the eye " im not a good person as you may think i am im good to you and my famiglia but thats it im sure you have a slight idea of what type of dealings i do. im not an angel bella im definitely the devil but the one thing you will have to worry about is any harm being done to you under my roof" i told her honestly as i watched her seeing the wheels turning probably looking for a way out this was the side i wanted to hide from her but its better she know now.  

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