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"my little bambino its your papa I'm so sorry for leaving you and your mommy alone ,daddy did a lot of bad things a lot of dumb things but I'm sorry i was just trying to protect you guys" i heard him whispering to my belly feeling the baby moving around to the sound of its dad's voice but as sweet as it was i need to use the bathroom. i opened my eyes looking down at mason who was laying his head sideways talking to my belly.

" I hope your a girl so your just as beautiful as your mother but even if your a boy ill love you regardless because your a product of love" he told the baby who kicked his head hard making him laugh.

I took my hand and rubbed it through his hair as he snuggled into my stomach holding my ass " ouch i need to use the bathroom" i told him as i climbed out of bed walking towards the bathroom as i handled my business i brushed my teeth and washed my face walking out the bathroom seeing him laid out sleeping i glanced at the clock seeing it was 4:30 am.

I knew i wouldn't be able to go back to sleep but i got back into the bed as he moved closer to me he was such a contact sleeper as he wrapped his arms around my legs falling deeper into his sleep as i laid their just watching him sleep he seemed as if he was exhausted it made me smile as I relaxed as in held him.


" Did you go what the fuck i told you to do ricky" i heard yelling as i opened my eyes watching my husband pace back in forth pissed " put rico on the fucking phone now" i looked over at the clock it was 11:30 am making me sigh i got out of bed seeing shopping bags on the floor noticing him in sweat pants looking out the window yelling at someone in Italian causing me to shake my head.

walking into the kitchen i noticed i-hop bags on the counter i peeked in seeing food i pulled it out just digging in the bag pulling out the food container seeing the steak and egg omelet and strawberry pancakes as i heated the food up and sat at the table and began eating, still hearing his stupid ass yell down the hall at who ever the fuck is rico and Ricky i laughed at him because mason was disrespectful.

" listen im going to feed my wife when i call back that money count better be up or ill be on my way back to Italy and its gonna be ugly " mason barked hanging up coming into my view as he looked at me smiling as if he wasn't just wilding the fuck out in the bedroom.

" is everything okay? i asked sipping the water watching him as he smirked and i realized something was wrong with him.

" yes maybe no" he said as i looked at him trying to figure him out again something was wrong but i couldn't put my finger on it.

"where did u go this morning?" i asked him as he sat down across from me.

" shopping i have no clothes here for me" he explained i nodded my head still listening to him.

" so what are we doing today?" i asked him as he smiled creepy at me making me raised an eyebrow at him.

" well im trying to get in them guts its been tooooo long" he said smirking hard.

"mason you would tell me if anything is wrong with you right?" i questioned him changing the subject as he looked unsure first then nodded his head in agreement.

" yea baby so you gon let me get in them guts or what?" he asked seriously making me bust out laughing

" sure let me eat" i told him feeling my lower area heat up my hormones shot sky rocked.

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