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 " boss when was the last time you have been home?" Dino asked me as i looked up from the paperwork confused 

 " umm this morning" i answered focusing back on the paper work in front of me 

  " well from the text i just received from flora roro took his first steps" Dino said causing me to freeze up and look at him even more confused

 " Dino roro his only six months what are you getting at?" i asked him as he shook his head getting up from his seat coming towards me holding his phone replaying a video for me the guilt filling me rapidly 

 " He made 11 months today sir" Dino murmured as his phone rung and he excused him self out of the office to answer it as i sat back in my sit closing my eyes.

Have i truly been that busy ive forgotten about my son? i questioned myself as i pulled out my phone looking through it noticing she haven't called me or even message the last message ive gotten from her was two months ago ive been so busy taking over Peter Kourakos i forgot. Fear collide within my chest she didn't want me no more.

 They slept with each other every night woke up to each other everyday mason tried to remember their conversion this morning but for the life of him he couldn't just a brief hello and he gotten dressed in left out he dont even no if she was still pregnant did she have the baby already panic smack through him as he stood up turning things off as he rushed out of his office rendering Elle and Dino shocked not knowing whats going on.

 Mason ran down twenty flights of stairs because the elevator was taking to long for him by the time he made it to the ground floor and rushed through the lobby leaving his passing employees leaving them speechless from their bosses appearance he was flustered and his clothes was out of place.

   Hopping in his Bentley truck he did 180 cursing ppl out and switching lanes to get to the house. Pulling up to the gated house his legs shook as the gates opened slowly as he zoomed up to the door way as he didn't even fully park the truck as he rushed up the steps pushing the front door open he looked around frantically for them not seeing them down stairs he yelled her name as panic and fear hit him as he didn't get a response.

  " BRIA" he yelled out again from the staircase as a wide eye Flora came to the steps " sir " she called to him causing him to stop yelling and stop to look at her.

 " where's my wife flora" he asked as he tried to calm himself but his heart felt like it was gonna detach from his chest.

 " sleeping with the young master" she said as he rushed up pass her heading straight to their bedroom busting in the door where he calm down immediately seeing their sleeping figures he rushed towards her climbing in bed behind her pulling them closer to him as she sighed snuggling more into him.

 " hmm hey baby" she mummer in her sleep to him as he sighed tightening his hold around her feeling the baby move against his hand.

Mason didn't speak just held her causing bria to open her eyes and glance over her shoulder at her husband who had his eyes but his tears rolled down his face. she turned over on her back and glanced at her husband.

 " i missed you" she told him as he tighten his hold around her " hows the take over going?" she asked but he didn't want her to speak afraid if he open his eyes she would disappear.

 " whats wrong with you?" she asked him as he shook his head and finally opened his eyes looking at her as the tears flowed freely.

" thought i lost you i got so lost in work i forgot about you and roro im sorry" he told her as she smiled 

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