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  Upon arriving in montego bay Jamaica Bria and Mason went at it for a total of 10 hours Mason was pretty sure she was pregnant by the fifth hour in she had just as much energy as him to go at it toe to toe.

the 11hour flight was well worth it now the couple was brutally tired and wanted nothing but to rest but that had to wait until they reached their hotel.

Now in some fresh outfits the couple now sat across from each other lowly panting looking at each other the need never escaped them.

he looked upon her neck seeing the Hickeys looking like bruises as they decorated her neck disappearing into her white v neck tshirt. she looked good just like that marked up from him she was his after all.

"stop looking mase"she said as she blushed cherry red making him smirk at his drity work.

" you look beautiful" he complimented her as she looked away a small smile on her face.

As the plane landed he stood up holding a hand out for her as she placed her hand in his she grabbed her Fendi bag in allowed him to pull her out the plane as the security opened the door Mason guided her down the steps in into the waiting black suv.

as they drove towards the hotel they were staying in bria laid her head on Mason shoulder as he typed away on his phone making her scoff loud enough that he couldve heard it.

" what's wrong?" he asked as she shook her head no closing her eyes.

" talk to me bria forreal" he asked again as she sat up and looked him in the eye as she turned to face him.

" Is work gonna be a problem these 2 weeks?" she questioned curious.

" No it's not but I'm still the boss baby I cant just go off the radar but I promise to keep it at a bare minimum" he promise reaching over kissing her lips softly as the truck slowed down.

she turned as gasped as they pulled into the beach front mansion that stood in front of them. The door near her opened as she climbed out still speechless at the house.

" you really rented this place baby" she asked him as his arms circled around her middle pulling her into him

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" you really rented this place baby" she asked him as his arms circled around her middle pulling her into him.

" Rent no own yes it's yours my wedding gift to you? he said holding keys in front of her face as she gasped wide eye looking up at him in shock.

" Mason you really didnt have to this is to much" she stammered looking from him to the house back to him.

Mason waved her off ignoring her protests " its 4 bedroom 4.5 bath a indoor outdoor pool a spa a movie room 4 car garage access to your own private beach" he explained pulling her up to the steps helping her up as she followed wide eye.

" close your mother baby it's yours the deed is in ur name its fully furnished and all" mason explained.


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