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  Bria Rogers

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  Bria Rogers

    " i cant see you" i said into the dark


" im in my office give me 5 mins" he said then it was slient again as the sobs slipped out.

Once the door open the lights came on making me close my eyes.

" open your eyes i adjusted them" he said making me open them slowly.

" hi" i spoke nervous and embarrassed at my appearance staring at this beautiful creature that stood in front of me I was over a thousand percent sure I looked a mess.

" hello bella" he spoke his accent heavy on his tongue.

" Do you know  your name" he asked me.

I shook my head yes still looking into his eyes.

" Tell me" he said still looking at me.

" bria" i whispered as he smiled.

" yes Bria Rogers i no i did a background check on you" he said nonchalantly.

" do you no who did this to you" he asked me making me shake my head no.

"Do you remember anything about them" i shook my head no again as my eyes teared up.

 " no i dont i didnt see any of their faces they had on mask i didnt recognize any of their voices either " i whispered as i tried to sit up on the bed as he seen my struggle and offered to help me as he placed his hand in mines making tingles shoot up my arm causing us both to freeze i guess he felt them also.

   " im sorry i whispered as he sent a sad smile my way as the door to the room open up as he took a small noticeable step away from me making my heart sank. 

  " hello ms. rogers" a older white man entered the room olding a clip board where a white medical jacket.

  " hello" i spoke back looking between both men curious. 

    " im Dr. Valentine ive been looking after you for the last 3 weeks now you gave us a great fright we thought we were going to loose you but obiviously god has greater plans" he mumbled the last part and started to check my vitals as he glanced at mason over his shoukder they where having a slient conversion with their eyes as mason looked at me nodded his head as he excused himself out of the room making me look at dr.valentine.

  " im sorry ms.rogers i had to speak to you about some things in private so i asked mr.russo to step outside" he said as he sat next to the hospital bed in the powder blue comfortable looking arm chair.

  "I'm gonna be very frank with you ms.rogers who ever done this to was out for blood they purposely targeted your belly which I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news is the reason we had to do an emergency surgery to remove the fetus" he stated as I gulped down the vomited that threatened to crawl up my throat.

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