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" Did you fuck her mason its simple as that" Bria yelled at her husband who stood there holding a rag on his now busted lip.

 " baby i told you no she tried to get me to sleep with her but i turned down her advances i promise i would never do that to you to our family" mason plead with her as her eyebrows rose almost reaching her hairline as she walked over to her bag grabbing the envelope that was mailed to their house hours prior.

She opened it and pulled out the same photo's that made her sick to her stomach earlier she glanced at them once more before throwing them at his face before storming out the room as mason felt his blood freeze up as the pasta they had for dinner rose from his stomach as he tensed looking at the pictures of him and his associate maria laying in bed with each other.

 He tried to remember when the hell this was but he couldn't remember at all. " baby" he called after her as he searched the down stairs not finding her rushing upstairs to their bedroom he found the room empty for the first time he felt nothing but fear coiling inside of him.

 Mason ran to the guest rooms finding them empty she wouldn't of left not like this they have been married for too long for this to get her to leave checking on the boys finding them in their room he sighed as he checked on the girls and his princess's were knocked out.

  Hearing the baby cry as he ran his hand through his hair he opened the door finding her sitting their with their last baby girl in her arms but avoided him entirely he closed the door leavng her to feeding Giana.

 When Mason reached their bedroom he took a shower in sat down on his side of the bed waiting for her to enter the room he must've fell asleep when she entered but his eyes opened when felt her climb into the bed still laying with his back facing her not knowing what to say to her.

 Over the next two days things haven't been as sweet as mason knew it wouldn't be she barely said more then two words to him other then good morning or goodnight. knowing his wife's body better then she did mason took into account that she was barely eating she seemed pale she had slight bags under her eyes. That's the thing with Bria she didn't allow the kids to be apart of their drama she's good for putting on a show for our children.

  Leaving out to go deal with some important business she gave mason the once over before walking down the hall holding Giana's bottle in her hands all the kids were in school other then Nico in Giana being that they were babies.

Bria Russo

  As soon as the front door closed i grabbed Gigi and Nico and headed to the basement where she had the kids bags packed in ready to in the escape tunnel she's been planning this for two days now none of the guard known about the tunnel just her and mason. She loved her husband so much but seeing those pictures struck some insecurities deep in her heart. After she had the twins she became so busy being a mom in taking care of home . Mason helped her when he could but other then that she didn't even have time for a damn wash in set she juggled her life between her children in school then shorty after graduating college she became engrossed in her children. picking up my phone i shot a text to mason.

BABY DADDY2:05pm : {" im picking up the kids today"}

  After strapping the kids in the truck she turned the car on and drove out the tunnel that led five blocks down from the house. She pressed the button on the dash board in the doors opened as she drove down the dirt path leading to the streets as she pulled off into incoming traffic.

   Pulling up to the children school she got out the car standing in front of it as the school starting letting out in the kids ran out the school once she saw her 4 oldest children they ran towards her a she flagged them down everyone got in the car she made sure they were strap in before she drove off entering the highway.

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