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Bria laid in her California king bed under the white plush sheets looking over at the beautiful blue ocean from the breathtaking view her wall to floor bay windows offered. Sometimes she found her self having to pinch herself because of the life she was blessed with even after everything she have been through she was still standing a million times stronger, Still after Five years she still found herself deeply in love with her psycho husband in her five bad ass kids he blessed her with this was bliss for her she wouldn't change this for the world. Sometimes she found her self wondering what would life be without Mason laughing to herself she knew it would be dry in bland.

 " what are you over their laughing about" Mason's deep raspy voice knocked her from her thoughts as he wrapped his arms around her middle as he pulled her towards his chest as she giggled a little bit more as she turned over looking at her sexy ass husband who placed a kiss on her lips as she tired to fight him off of her but he tighten his hold on her as she ran her hand through his wavy hair as he sighed laying his head on her stomach as he looked over at the beautiful view their room held.

  " you ever think about what would life be if we didn't met each other all those years ago?" Bria asked mason who shook his head no and tighten his hold on her body.

 " Is that what got you zoned out and not asleep as if its not 4am Briana go to sleep" Mason told his wife as she sighed trying to find some sleep.

 After a short thirty minutes she finally heard his answer " i try not to dwell on the what ifs because this is my life now and if this is just a dream i dont want to be woken up from it i love you more then anything in this world ill kill for you my queen" he told her as she smiled and kissed his forehead needing to hear that before she fell asleep.


 " Pharaoh please stop making your sister cry" Bria fussed with her oldest child who was a splitting image of his father who always held a devilish glint in his brown eyes that sometimes worried his mother.

 " but mama Aurora started" Pharaoh growled as he stomped his foot and crossed his arms glaring at his little sister who simply smiled at him coming up to him wrapping her little arms around her brother as she looked up at him " i love you roro" Aurora said with her little voice that pharaoh couldn't resist smiling from as he hugged her back.

 " Mama" Bria looked over at over at her own five year old daughter who came in covered in colorful paint 

 " Mason poured paint on me wook at me" Maia cried as she looked devastated the fat tears rolling down her chubby face as bria pouted with her little baby as she picked her up as she cried louder making bria roll her eyes maia was the actress of the family.

" MASON" Bria yelled her son's name knowing that was the dumbest thing to do because her stupid husband came rushing into the kitchen fully dressed in his tailor made suit 

" what the fuck happened to you?" he said to Maia who cried louder making Bria sigh as she shook her head as she pushed her stupid husband out the way passing him Maia as she went looking for the little devil twin.

  Twin's what the fuck was she thinking allowing Mason to talk her into having more kids the two oldest she was completely ready for them but the last three they gave her hell. entering the art room they had built for the children she found it a complete mess paint every where looking around the studio she almost left out the room if it wasn't for the cool grey Jordan's poking out the bottom she marched over and yanked his little ass out the curtains as he look ready to piss on his self.

 " im only going to ask you this once why did you pour paint on your sister if you lie and trust me mase i would know when your lying im gonna beat your ass i keep telling you i give out ass whopping you keep testing me now tell me why?" Bria yelled at Mj who look as if he was almost in tears.

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