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      Their's alot thats going to be going on in this chapter so please please enjoy it this book is ending in 5 more chapters ill probably throw a few bonus but i have other books i need to finish. This chapter is gonna be in the narrators pov so you get a little bit of everyone's point of view.


   Upon waking up she knew he was gone before she opened her eyes her hand absently rubbed the side of the bed where he slept and she broke out into a sob once she realized he was really gone.

she rushed out of bed running down the steps just to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her but low and behold the car was gone also holding back tears she felt her heart drop into her stomach as she the acidity taste rise in her throat as she vomited onto the mahogany wood floor.

" he really left me" she whispered to herself as she cried out into the empty home her life falling apart once again as she was alone yet again.

When Alexander gotten the call of Mason arriving in Italy he admittedly rushed over to check on bria he can only imagine what type of pain that Mason left her in.

Walking into the house he found her sleep next to what looked like vomit she looked a mess the tears dried on her face.

he quietly lifted her up walking out the house closing the door behind him when he arrived home his housekeeper Diana saw her boss with a young woman in his arms and gave him a look appalled that he would bring another woman here while his pregnant fiance was here.

After giving her a we will talk later look he rushed into a guest room on the first floor placing her on the bed before rushing to get Kia and to call his private doctor over.

" baby come quickly" he rushed into their bedroom where she ate carrots and ranch dressing she have been craving for.

" what happened" she asked panicking as she carefully gotten off the bed following him down to the elevator and to the guest suite.

" Mason left this morning I found her like this she thrown up according to lucus she twice I called mattox already he's on his way" alex explained as his phone rung and he stepped out the room to take the call.

" poor baby" kia whispered feeling the poor girls pain knowing if the shoe was on the other foot she would loose it also.. she couldnt Phantom the thought of waking up to Alexander gone and her being a single mom that thought alone made her sick to her stomach.

she look over at Bria's state of dress and walked out the room to find diana who was in the kitchen sipping coffee.

" ms. kia how may I help you?" diana asked her bosses girlfriend who she adored like a child.

" I need u to run to the mall and grab our guest some clothes shes a dear friends wife and she's gonna be staying for a while she looks to be a XL and a 32 d in bra's please" kia explained to diana who nodded her head as Alexander came into the kitchen with Maddox who looked as chipper as can be.

" ms.forde how are my two favorite people doing today?" he asked as she smiled at her doctor.

" were great not tired or feeling sick" she explained as she looked to her fiance who looked at her like she was fine china causing her to blush.

" alex diana needs money to get bria some things" kia said wobbling out the kitchen as Maddox followed after her.

Doctor miles maddox was the bianchi on call doctor he was suppose to deliver the boss wife up coming child's birth.

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