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 ♤Mario Russo♤

" so is she's coming?" I asked my cousin who sat across from me looking very unsure.

" i dont know its dangerous in Italy i got real enemies out their shes safe here" Mason explained.

" but do you think you can handle being away from her for 6 months" i asked him already knowing he was attached to her.

" do you want her to come or something mario?" he asked me making me laugh out loud

"Im actually very happy in my relationship thank you very much but I think you like her" i told him as he glared at me and focused back on the contracts that was in front of him.

" fine she can come but since you wanted her you have to guard her at all times" he told me making me squeal.

" oh me and alejandro is gonna have so much fun dressing her up" i said excitedly.

" sure do whatever go take her outside she needs air" he told me waving me off as i sucked my teeth and walked out his office going to find the beautiful bria.

"Hi" i greeted her seeing her sitting outside on the swing looking into the distance.

" oh hey mario" she said never looking up at me.

" what are we looking at" i asked sitting next to her as we swong.

" just thinking im sure you know already but mason just dropped a bomb on me today" she said finally facing me as i saw she was crying.

" oh that don't allow that to get you down fuck him he's not worth your tears sweetie" i told her as she nodded her head smiling.

" hows alejandro" she asked about my husband making me smile only a few knew i was gay i was a hitman and he was a police officer but he was the love of my life my family accepted me and thats all that matters.

" he's good excited im coming back home for 6 months i cannot wait till be back with him" i explained to her as she smiled.

" everybody is leaving" she whispered looking away again.

" so are you mason gave the green light i cant wait till you meet the family trust me they would love you " i reassured her as she blushed.

" he's letting me go" she asked excitedly.

" yes and alejandro is so excited to meet you" i told her as she smiled which looked like for the first time in a while.

" i never been out of the United States im so excited its gonna take my mind off of everything that's why i really wanna go maybe mason allow me to take up a course at a school their?" She asked as i shrugged my shoulders.

" he would do anything If you ask him he's not a bad guy he just comes off that way trust me i no my cousin" i told her as she laid her head on my shoulder.

" we leave tonight he's trying to tie up the loose ends now so since we have a little bit of time ima school you on very thing" i told her as she nodded.

"Zia Maria is the biggest sweet heart ever she doesn't speak much English but she is the best cook then theirs zio lucus he may come off mean but he's honestly the biggest teddy bear once you get to kno him that is. Then theirs masons sorella Isabela uh shes the biggest bitch their is i cant stand that bitch but I love her non the less" i told her as she smiled at me but I can tell shes scared.

" relax thats what we're here for now lets go mason needs to talk to you" i told her I was lying but they both needed that push.


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