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"I just wanted to thank you for coming out with me today I didnt think you would want to being your in the last stages of pregnancy I no I didnt wanna move at all" Kia said to me as we flipped through the baby clothing racks in saks.

" it's cool I need to get out the house Mason is a mother hen i cannot do shit he puts me on bedrest the doctor didnt even approve of" I said shaking my head picking up a kenzo onesie placing it over my arm with the rest of the things I was going to purchase.

" trust me I understand Alex was a damn headache thats why Alexandra looks just likes him he agitated me the whole pregnancy" she said making me smile her little babygirl was so damn pretty.

" awe I hope i have a girl but then again I want a boy" i said sighing mad at myself for refusing to know the sex

" girl it's not to late for you to find out" she said making me shrug my shoulders turning to look at another rack I stumbled a little realizing I bumped into someone.

" I'm so sorry about that" a familiar voice said as I paused and looked at the person making me pissed off feeling the hurt all over again.

When tiara realized it was me she took a step back wide eye a little she looked sick almost not believing it was me.

" I thought you was dead" she mumbled she looked nervous.

" nah you and Evelyn's plan didnt work" I told her as her eyes widen she didnt think I knew it took awhile but I figured it out.

" did you hate me that much that you had to stoop to the lowest level in hurt my child" I asked her as her eyes watered a little.

" what did I ever do to you tiara I was their for you no matter what when you had nobody by your side i was their but you betrayed me for what?" i questioned as she wiped her eyes looking away from me.

" you have nothing to say?" i asked again after not getting a response " you dont have to say anything to me you dont owe me shit but i guess I have you to thank you for helping me walk away from tyrin and I'm happy now I hope you are also bye" i said pushing passed her and walking to where Kia stood curiously.

" who was that?" she asked as I shook my head smirking

" a blast from my past" I told her as we walked to the register I could've harmed her but that wouldn't make me any better then her, and I'm better then them all of them.

" oh cause I no u cant fight right now but I would just say the word" Kia said taking off her earrings making me laugh loudly.

" where were you maybe 15 years go when I met her" I joked as we stood on line.

" girl I dont know but I'm here now" she said as she turned to talk to the lady making me rub my stomach as I felt the baby moving around active as hell just like its father.

Leaving out of saks I seen Mason leaning on his bmw truck talking on the phone I took the time out to check him out he looked sexy as hell dressed in black balenciaga sneakers fitted jeans and a fitted black t shirt he looked good enough to eat when he wasnt in a suit I knew it was rebel out he didnt like that stiff shit which were the words he said to me.

" what the fuck you mean he didn't pay what he owe" he demanded on the phone turning around seeing me standing their he smirked at me but spoke on the phone.

I walked toward him with my head tilted to the side smiling as he met me half way kissing my forehead before speaking some more the ending the call.

" hey beautiful" he greeted me as I smiled back at him passing him the 4 bags I had filled with the baby clothes.

" you hungry" he asked as I smiled nodding my head cause I was starving.

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