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 ♧♧♧ Bria Rogers ♧♧♧

  " Bria i hear you but im just saying their too close even if their saying their just "friends" she said making air quotations  " friends arent that close shit if yall wasnt already a couple i would assume thats her man" my bestfriend  Tiara said sipping on her rasberry tea .

   " Their just really close you know like i know they grew up with each other on the same block shit even their  mothers were best friends as children its expected for them to be unnaturally close tiara" i  started to make excuses but she cut me off rolling her eyes.  

     " yea yea same ole lines i dont even care your to damn nice i wish donte ass would try me ill kill him" she said making me roll my eyes at her audacity she couldnt be talking about the same donte that laid up with her stripper little cousin and she ended up giving birth to dj aka donte jr.

      " yea maybe your right but im not like you ara and tyrin said their friendship is harmless now enough about my life, hows my god baby doing" i said changing the subject suddenly tired of the constant judgemental slurs coming from her.  I mean i loved tiara jones and i knew she meant no harm at all just was looking out for me but i didnt wanna hear that all the damn time.

    i watched the excitement show on her face  at the mention of her unborn child " oh he's good im so excited were pregnant together we always use to say our kids would grow up together" she said excitedly making me smile.

 " yea this is a blessing and me and tyrin couldnt be any more happier " i said rubbing my belly. " damn who is that" tiara said making me turn around and glance in the direction she was looking in and the sight was enough to make any woman panties wet.

 The god stood at about 6 foot 3 his olive colored skin looked painted on and his soft pink lips looked edible if i wasnt pregnant and engaged and maybe 100 pounds lighter i would love to be on his arm. 

 " bree your phone is ringing" tiara said causing me to snap out of my daze. 

 " hello" i answered after seeing it was tyrin calling. 

 " where you at baby" he answered his deep voice making her wet and mushy on the inside and down below. 

 " me and tiara is wrapping up lunch at the Plaza hotel ill be home say in 30 mins " i answered. "hurry up home bree i love you" he answered back quickly.

 "Love you more" i answered excited hanging up.

 " girl we gotta wrap up lunch my man wants me home" i answered causing tiara to roll her eyes but smile.  " check please" i said to the waiter that passed. 

 Once we paid for our food we hugged and parted ways since I parked my car a block away i walked in that direction. 

"Excuse me miss" a younger female approached me making me stop. " yes sweetie" i answered tired wanting to go home and relax. " can you help me" she said frantically

 "my sister and I was trying to get in our house but I kinda locked us out can i use your phone to call my mom" she asked. " yes sure show me where you live" i told her as she grabbed my hand guiding me towards her house i started having a bad feeling but I ignored it. " we live right down this way" she said as i followed her worried about her.

 " Okay so wheres your sister i asked confused just noticing we were behind some kind of building. " right back here" she said running off " hey wait" i yelled behind her as something smacked the back of my head making me scream and fall down. 

 " look at this fat bitch here" the voice said it sounded so familar. " hey e isn't this the bitch who stole your life" another female voice asked Then as if she triggered some nerve all i felt was pain the hits were coming from every where. " please stop" i begged crying out in pain " bitch fuck you this was suppose to be my baby my fucking husband but your black fat ass just had to come fuck things up" one of the attackers yelled in a jealous rage as i felt the first kick to my stomach as i let out a loud high pitch scream. "Please stop please" she begged and screamed as the beating continued.  

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