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Bria Russo

  " Have you heard from my husband" I asked  my guard Thomas as he nodded his head " he told me to bring you to his hotel" he said to me as i nodded my head as i looked down at ro ro who was looking around the baby room kicking his little legs wildly.

 The door opened  showing the doctor that examined us " Mrs. Russo you guys are good to go" Dr.Louis said as i nodded my head wrapping ro ro back up as i signed the discharge papers as Thomas held the door open for me as we headed to the hotel Mason was waiting at.

 Pulling up to the Belmond Grand Hotel Timeo tom held the door open for us as i stepped out as we headed to the front desk and tom said something to the clerk as nodded her head passing him keys as he heading back towards me passing me the keys.

  He guided me to the elevator and pressed the pent house button as i passed him the key and he stuck in the slot and turned it as he stepped off the elevator leaving us on it as he nodded his head at me wishing us a goodnight.

  As the elevator rose to the top floor it dinged in i walked in to the grand suite speechless by the decor it was beautiful. i stepped more into the apartment suite i heard my husband talking as i followed his voice finding him on the terrace on the phone as i stepped back into the room heading for the master bedroom laying the baby on the bed seeing duffel bags on the side of the bed as i undressed the baby i checked the bags finding his clothes inside i bathe him and changed his pamper breast feeding him putting him to sleep.

 Placing ro ro on the middle of the bed i made a pillow fort around him before stripping my clothes and going to take a hot shower, exiting the shower mason stood in the door way holding a robe open for me as i stepped inside he wrapped his arms around me " ill protect you no matter what" he told me making me sigh.

   " i no Mase" i whispered to him as he tighten his hold making me look up at him i turned in his arms he placed a kiss on my forehead " i get it that your a mob boss but if you put me and my son in danger again were gone mason" i said pushing pass him to grab me something to wear after i gotten dress i moved the pillows and moved pharaoh next to me as i tired to sleep but the sunlight prevented it as i sighed looking over at mason who watched me as he smirked pulling out a remote and pressing a button as the curtains closed swallowing the light from the room putting us in darkness.

 " sleep my queen your safe" he safe as he walked out the room and that's all i need to hear before i fell asleep.


 By the time bria finally woke up i already fed pharaoh changed him and bathe him again i was grateful of being blessed with a one of a kind son he wasn't a cry baby he was real laid back a lot like rebel.

    " hey" i heard from behind me as i looked over seeing her standing their her skin was glowing but she still looked tired " well rested Bella" i asked her as she nodded coming to sit down next to me laying her head on my shoulder.

 " Do you think im crazy" she asked me as i looked down at her as she snuggled into my side

  " crazy about what baby " i asked her as i put my arms around her pulling her closer to me

  " for loving a bipolar ,controlling split personality having murder" she said making me smirk kissing her head laughing a little.

  " nah definitely not crazy and im all those things but im yours baby" i told her as she shrugged her shoulders as she leaned up reaching for pharaoh who was in his bouncer in front of us sleeping.

  " your not going anywhere baby" i told her as she laughed then looked up at me " eh i guess im stuck with you for a while" she said as she shrugged her shoulders smiling.

Proteggere Mrs. RussoWhere stories live. Discover now