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Mason Russo

" I'm proud of you mrs Russo I dont know if I would've done the same" leo exclaimed as bria just shrugged her shoulders continuously looking out the window I knew she was hurt.

" lu drive to the pent house were gonna stay in the city" I said as I bit my lip looking into the stock trade as the car stopped in front of my building.

" come on beautiful" I said pulling her out the car as I guiding her into the building.

" what are we doing at your office" she asked me as I led her to the elevator doors.

" I have an apartment here in this building" I told her as we stepped inside of the elevator.

I stuck my key in the elevator slot pushing the pent house floor as she leaned against the sliver walls.

she was silent looking down at the floor as the doors opened and we stepped into my apartment.

The apartment had black marble floors with white walls the furniture was black with stainless steel appliances.

The entire living room held glass walls giving an spectacular view of the new york skyline.

bria walked around looking at the beautiful decor she loved the modern look the apartment held.

" its beautiful" she said as she glided her manicured finger nail against the glass looking down at the pedestrians who looked like ants walking around living a care free life.

" thank you I had a designer come in " I told her as I pulled off my jacket throwing it across the couch as I sat against it looking at her waiting for her to tell me what's on her mind.

she was quietly walking around " I wanted to say thank you for being their for me" she finally spoke.

" bria your my wife your my number on priority" I told her as she stood in front of me I watched her wary waiting for the tears to fall.

"I know but still you could've walked away you didnt have to get involved" she said as I nodded my head watching her.

" you hungry?" I asked her as she nodded her head yes.

I showed her where the kitchen making her sit down on a stool as I folded up my sleeves washing my hands I opened the freezer door pulling out some chicken cutlet running it under warm water so I can defrost it.

" you can cook?" she questioned as I smirked shrugging my shoulders.

" just because I live a dangerous life doesn't mean my nonna didn't teach me" I told her as I poured a little oil in the pot cleaning the chicken putting it in a bowl seasoning it as the oil gotten out I placed the chicken in the pot.

" I'm not saying that it's just you dont give me that kind of vibe" she explained as I pulled out another pot filling it with water putting it on another pilot turning the fire on.

" well what kind of vibe do I give u" I asked turning to face the food as I placed the noodles in the salted water.

" well right now your sexy as hell so you giving me baby daddy vibes" she said smirking.

I drained the noodles making a quick sauce then adding it to the noodles I plated the food passing her the plate and a fork.

I leaned over the counter top watching her eat as she swirled the noodles on the fork sticking it out to me as I took a bite then she took one.

After we ate she offered to clean up the kitchen with me then I guided her upstairs to my bedroom as she stripped out her dress and shoes tying her hair up in a high ponytail.

Proteggere Mrs. RussoWhere stories live. Discover now