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    Its been almost two weeks since nonna Gina finally admitted it to mason about her cancer and mason became a mother hen he forgot all about work and focused his time to taking care of his grandmother he hired only the best doctors money could buy he set up the state of the art medical room for her.

 Gina became tired of her grandson's over barren ways she ordered her personal nurse flora to get bria, Once bria entered the hospital room seeing Gina hooked up to the radiation machine she looked tired and it hurt bria to see her like this.

 " how you feeling today?" bria asked nonna who sighed looking away from her grand daughters worried face.

 " im fine but i need you to nonna a big favor" gina asked bria who looked on unsure as gina looked back at her as she waited for her to answer

 " anything"  bria said as gina took a deep breath " force that husband of yours to go back to work im tired of him flawing over me can you do that for your poor ole nonna?" gina asked her as she knew she was putting bria in a tight space because bria opted to stay out of their personal affairs so she knew this was really bothering her then.

" done" bria stood placing a kiss on nonna forehead as she stood up going towards mason office he set up inside of nonna gina house knocking twice she heard a brief enter before she turned the door knob seeing her husband looked to be buried up to his noes with papers as he spoke to Dino and Rex about things she cleared her throat to get their attention.

 " hey guys can i speak to my husband for a minute" bria asked as both guys stood up nodding their heads in her direction as they stepped out the room mason never once looked up from the papers as bria stood in front of him directly in front of the desk.

  "Hows the business?" she asked her husband breaking the ice. 

" fine Bella whats sup?" mason asked her as he placed the papers down giving her his undivided attention taking in her glowing face shes been glowing lately.

 "look im gonna be honest with you ive been trying to mind my business and stay in my own place but mase i think you need to go back to work i can watch over nonna" bria said as mason cut her off with a look that sent a chill down her spine.

 " So let me get this straight you want me to go back to work instead of making sure my grandmothers health is better?" he asked bria as she shook her head thinking of a better approach.

 " mase im not telling you to go back to work and forget about her im telling you that i hate seeing you like this your fucking buried in what a months worth of paper work you haven't left this damn fucking house to make sure that your money is straight Dino and Rex are fucking running on zero energy just like you are, im not fucking selfish nor selfless to even ask of you to stop worrying about you grandmother i love that damn woman i grew a bond with her i may not love her as much as you do but my love for her is up their ,i want to help mase i want to be their for you and her all im asking  is for you to stop treating me like a fucking outsider and more like your damn wife i can hold the fort down i can be their for nonna while you take care of everything else" bria said to her husband who looked at her like she grown two heads this wasn't bria he sat in silence not knowing what to say to her as she took his silence as an answer taking two steps back before turning to leave as his next question froze her in her spot.

" did my nonna put you up two this?" he questioned her making her turn around and face him making sure to keep her face neutral as possible.

 " nope im just bored around this house i want to help that's all?" she said to him seeing him look back down at the paper on his lap.

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