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A week have pass in Emily found herself floating on air the longer she spent around Mario the more she fell in love with him, all it took was a week and she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, he was attentive sweet caring he spoiled her lavishing her with gifts, Emily found her self floating on cloud nine.

 While on the other hand Mario was just playing the hand that was dealt to him when his nonna called him and told him the situation he jumped to action even after everything that had happened to him his nonna kept him alive and for that he was grateful. looking over his shoulder where he found Emily sound asleep after a night of sinful sex she passed out from the passion.

Standing up he made his way to the bar making him a drink as he sat back lighting up a blunt he sat on the leather couch as he sip his drink and thought about that night when he watched his father die, his mother die and his aunt his cousin went on a damn rampage killing every one.

Saving him for last Mario was stuck in his seat speechless and frozen in his place as his cousin walked to him covered in blood glock 45 in both hands blood dripping from the barrel, the look in his eyes were hallow the smirk on his face was deadly as he pressed the gun to my head i closed my eyes fear pouring from his skin.

 "tutte le ultime parole cugino" mason asked me as i swallowed thickly as i bit my lip { any last words cousin}

 "il muratore mise giù la pistola" We heard from behind us as he turned to see nonna standing their {mason put the gun down} their i felt relief as i was saved 

 " vai a salvare tua moglie tuo padre che la sua mamma abbia la sua posizione" nonna said as mason gave me a cold look that said to watch my back as he heading out the house pissed off. {go save your wife your father have her Tommy have her location}

" grandson" she spoke as she stepped inside the bloody dinning hall if you thought Mario was afraid of mason he was wore afraid of the devil an sheep clothing standing just in front of him nonna Gina was the true monster and his mother knew that that's why she kept him from her but masons mother didn't give a fuck about him that's why she was allowed to get him and put him under her wings she molded him into the monster he was today.

" Dont be afraid im not here to hurt you but simply here to give you a choice live or death?' nonna asked me as she grabbed a chair and sat in front of me.

" Live"  Mario whispered to her as his eyes teared up as she smirked which made him tense up a little "smart choice now lets go this place makes me sick" nonna said as she stood up and walked out the dinning room as he followed he heard foot steps behind him which caused him to turn and see her main guard behind him he gulped not even hearing him enter the room nor did he even feel him behind him.

 Mario was ushered into a truck where they took him to the airport and she passed him a brief case and eyed him " im only saving you because i love you and no matter what others say about me and mason's relationship i love all you equally its just you two boys i have left in this briefcase its your passport in a ticket plus the deed to my hotel i own in saint Lucia im saving you this time if you ever step foot on u.s soil without permission i will kill you myself now get out ill be in touch if your needed" was all she said as the door opened and Mario stepped out entering the airport to be never seen again for all everyone knew mason killed him.

movement heard from the king size bed caught his attention as he watched her turn over on the other side sleeping peacefully if only she knew she was living in her last days. see Mario knew all about what happened in Italy a week ago he knew who she was before she introduced herself see nobody knew he kept in contact with Rio and Rio always gave him brief information about the family sending him pictures of baby pharaoh who was oh so beautiful and getting big from the short conversion he had with Rio he was going to a meeting with Emily next thing he knew mason was shot. She was the last one to see him and Mario knew couldn't call nonna or even try to reach out to bria for anything so he was gonna deal with it his own way. 

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