Chapter 1

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Type 1

Wake up.

Treat low.

oops, over treated low. Give insulin

Count carbs and eat breakfast.

Snack to keep from going low again.

Check blood sugar.

Count carbs and weigh food. If out to eat, take a wild guess and give insulin.

Oops, wrong guess on the carbs. High and it shows. Correct with more insulin.

Snack to keep blood sugar stable ( Who are we kidding? There's no such thing as stable)

Count carbs, give insulin. Eat dinner.

Check blood sugar. Snack if needed.

Go to bed.

Wake up.

Do it all over again.


My name is Aria Lane, and yes, I am the person with Type 1 diabetes whose daily routine you have seen.

You know, someone once said to me, " I don't know how you do it". I replied, " I wasn't given a choice".

It wasn't just one individual...

I'm in my bedroom, working on homework that I desperately want to pass. My grades are extremely important to me because I want to demonstrate to my parents that I am not a failure.

"I need you, Aria." My older sister, Hailey, stated, she walks into the room and looks at me. I was sitting at my desk, completing homework that was due in two days.

My older sister, Hailey. She's one year older than me, so she's 17 and I'm 16. I'm an introvert, while Hailey is an extrovert. Hailey is well-liked at school, has many friends, and attends parties on occasion. Many young men are drawn to her features, including her long brown hair, which they want to touch and run their fingers through, and her ocean blue eyes, which draw them in.

I honestly don't understand how a person can get so much attention, because I don't get any attention at all. I don't even have a single friend.

I tell myself that being alone is fine and that I enjoy being alone.

I am convinced

Being alone gets you somewhere, but having friends only keeps you from getting there.

I sigh deeply and smirk to myself, knowing why Hailey came into my room and demanded something from me. I set my pen down and slowly turn the chair around to face Hailey, noting that she was already dressed for the night.

"You're going out," I said, crossing my arms and staring at Hailey. Hailey is dressed in black leather pants and a strapless top. Her hair was down, perfectly curled, and her makeup was intense.

Hailey smiles and walks over to me."You're always right," she said, playing with her fingers as she hesitated to say something.

After hearing her say that, I smiled to myself. Of course I am right; I am aware of everything.

"What can I say? You're a party animal "I smiled as I spun my chair back around the desk and returned my attention to my homework.

" Aria, I need you to help me out."

I sighed loudly and closed my eyes. I am aware of what I must do. Why does she annoy me so much? She is aware that I am working on my homework, which may be crucial to me.

Type 1Where stories live. Discover now