Chapter 11

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Watch out I'm a diabadass

Hailey looks over and rolls her eyes at what she sees. "You've got to be kidding me. One of my ex-boyfriend is here, fucken great." She grumbled as she stood up and walked away from the group to get another drink.

I keep staring at him, the man who ruined my life and stole something from me that I can never get back.

Bryan Walsh

I closed my eyes, feeling myself begin to panic. My body begins to shake, and my lips tremble as my nails dig into my palms. I reopen my eyes, squinting and staring at Hailey, who was entering the kitchen.

I took a deep breath and walked away from the group and followed behind Hailey. As she walks into the kitchen, she pours herself another drink. I approached her and took a position besides her.

While pouring her a drink, she casts a sidelong glance at me. "What's the matter with you?" She questioned, noticing my distressed demeanor.

My nose sniffles, and I begin to have breathing difficulties. I put my hands to my throat slowly, trying to speak. "H-Hailey, c-can we please g-go home?" I managed to say, trying not to cry.

She creased her brows and shook her head. "No way, are you serious? We just got here."

I wrinkled my brows and winced quietly, wanting to get home and away from him. I placed my hand on the counter and exhaled heavily.

Hailey takes a sip of her drink and makes a sour face because she doesn't like what she's made. She pours orange juice into her cup after opening a bottle. She swirls her glass, mixing the drink before taking a sip and looking at me.

She looks at me, noticing my uneasy expression. " Aria, tell me what's wrong?" She asked, setting her drink down and returning her focus to me.

I stare at her, hoping she can see my pain through my eyes. I noticed someone walking in from the corner of my eye.

" Hey"

We both turned around, and my heart froze at the sight of him standing there with a smile on his face, staring at us. As I gripped Hailey's arm, I lowered my head and stretched my nose. She frowns at him and turns her head to look at me as she notices my grip on her arm.

" Bryan, what the fuck do you want?" She hissed at him and reached for her drink on the counter.

He keeps smiling and shrugs his shoulders. I'm triggered to my core by the way he's acting, as if nothing happened last year.

"Damn, just trying to strike up a conversation," he said, moving his gaze to mine and staring at me longingly. My throat clenched, and I looked down, squeezing her arm tightly. She winced at the pain and reached behind my back with her free hand.

" Why don't you engage in conversation with little girls instead, since that's what you like?" Hailey said, still resting her hand behind my back and leading us away from him and out of the kitchen.

I turned around as Hailey held her hand behind my back as we walked away and noticed him staring at the both of us. Shivering, I turn around.

"I'm taking Aria to your room, Jay. She isn't feeling well "Hailey said, looking around before returning my gaze.

Jay looks over at me with wide eyes, saddened as to why I was feeling ill. "Do you want me to take her instead?"

Hailey shakes her head and hands him her drink to hold. "No, I'm taking her myself. Just keep an eye on my drink."

He holds her drink in his hand and watches us walk up the stairs. She keeps her grip on me and leads us over to his room. She closes the door and forces me to sit on the bed while she stands in front of me.

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