Chapter 18

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I quickly turned off my lights and stood in front of my bedroom door, waiting for Jay to enter. I could hear his footsteps getting closer to my room. I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm. I could feel my heartbeat thumping against my chest. I look around my now-completely dark room, not seeing anything.

He reaches for my doorknob and slowly opens it. Hearing him fully walk in, I took a step to the side and immediately shut my bedroom door. I can feel his body standing close to me now, but I can't see him. I took a step forward, tiptoed up, and cupped my hands around his face. I close my eyes and press my lips against his. He doesn't waste any time and grabs my back, pulling me closer to him. He seizes control and kisses me passionately back.

I broke the kiss and lean back, wanting to stop, but he put his hand on my neck and drew me back in for another kiss. He pressed his soft lips against mine, kissing me hungrily this time.

His lips felt incredible against mine. He continues to kiss me deeply, and I crack a smile in between our kisses. I lean back and broke the kiss again. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard. I pant softly, my gaze fixed on his invisibility. I took a deep breath and turned on my light again.

When I turned around to see Jay, I was completely taken aback by what I saw. My jaw and my heart literally dropped to the ground. My eyes widened to the point where they were about to pop out.

The person I had just kissed was not Jay, but rather Dylan.

As I stared longingly at him, I slowly moved my fingers to my lips and touched them. My eyes welled up with tears as I realized it wasn't Jay who was standing in front of me, but rather Dylan.

I have not only kissed someone other than my boyfriend, but I have also kissed my sisters boyfriend.

" N-No..." I mumbled, my fingers still on my lips, staring at him with a worried look. I slowly shake my head, refusing to believe I've kissed him.

I went on. "No," I said, smacking him on the chest twice, the second time gripping onto his shirt and yanking it.

He sighs deeply and rolls his brown eyes up at the ceiling, slightly frowning his brows.

Before speaking, he clears his throat. "Please, you loved it," he said, looking down at me as if the kiss wasn't such a big deal.

My eyes remained wide, and I sighed loudly. I can't stand him. "I thought you were Jay....
What are you doing in my room?" I asked him, unsure what to say to him.

He looks down at my hand, which is still clutching his shirt. He takes a step closer, causing me to lower my brows and lean against the door. My heart pounded loudly, and I quickly placed my hand on his chest, preventing him from approaching any further.

He looks at me and smirks at my reaction. "Jay went to the kitchen to help Hailey, and I wanted to get my hoodie back," he explained, explaining why he entered my room.

I grinned and shook my head slightly. "Why didn't you just ask me instead of walking into a girl's bedroom?" I raised my voice, furrowed my brows, and became irritated by him.

"It's not like I've never been in your room before," he said, biting his bottom lip as he looked down at my lips. I remained silent as I watched his gaze return to mine.

He went on. "I thought you wouldn't be in here because the lights were turned off," he said, his genuine eyes staring at me.

I creased my brows and felt my heart beat faster, upset with him. "So, why haven't you stopped kissing me? You continued "I questioned, and his smile faded as I did so.

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