Chapter 24

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Sometimes we expect too much from others, because we would be willing to do that much for them.

I sobbed loudly as I  knelt down to the ground. As they continued to stare at me, I hugged  myself. My eyes were closed, and I heard Mom reach over to me and kneel  down, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back and smelled her signature  Chanel perfume.

"Who was it that did this to you? I'll kill him if you tell me his name" Mom said while leaning back and cupping my cheeks with her hands.

" Aria, it is never too late to inform us of his identity, and we will report him." He said this while staring at me sternly and tensing his jaw.

My gaze shifts to Hailey, who frowns when I look at her. Her blue eyes were filled with tears, and her nose was red.

" His name is Bryan....Bryan Walsh" I said, looking back over at Hailey and noticing her face freezing up at the mention of his name.

Her blue eyes well up with tears as she shakes her head lightly, unable to believe it." No..." She muttered to herself, turning away and allowing her tears to flow.

She went on."No, don't lie!" She yelled, her teeth gritted as she glared at me, refusing to believe a word I said.

"Hailey, he raped me. I told him to stop-"

"I told you to stop lying!" She barked at me, her eyes narrowed as she sobbed loudly. She twists her body and clutches her hair.

I look over at my father, who is still standing there, deep in thought. My heart began to ache as I worried that they wouldn't believe me.

"I'm not lying, Dad. He- He has and continues to hurt me "I said, and felt my mother kneel beside me, rubbing my back for comfort.

Hailey scoffs and chuckles arrogantly, turning around to face me. Her face was flushed, tears streaming down her cheeks, making her eyes puffy and sore.

"Can't you guys tell she's lying?" She said this while pointing her hand at me.

When she said those words, I raised my brows and felt my heart slip. I was about to say something when Mom interrupted me by placing her hand on my arm and signaling for me to remain silent.

"Why would Aria lie like that?" She said this while staring at Hailey.

"Because she craves attention," Hailey replied, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

"Aria would never lie, and I trust her. If she claims to have been harassed, then I believe her "Mom stated that she knows where she stands and that she is with me. I smiled and looked over, staring at her as she returned my smile.

"Bryan was my ex. I dated him. Do you honestly believe I would have dated him if I had known he was a rapist?" Hailey pointed at herself and raised her voice.

Mom immediately looks at me, and I don't look back because I could tell she was staring at me from the corner of my eye.

Hailey went on. "Aria is just making up lies to be the center of attention, and you saying Bryan raped you is so low of you," she said.

As I closed my eyes and held my legs, I could feel my body trembling. I refrained from speaking because I didn't want to cry any more, but the fact that they don't believe me is hurtful.

"Is that true, Aria?" When I heard my father ask, I raised my head and looked at him.

He went on. "Are you lying?" He asked, waiting for me to respond.

I scrunched up my face, grimacing softly as I looked at each of them. I whimpered quietly and felt my mother's hand lowering away from me.

"I'm not making this up. He raped me "I said this as tears streamed down my cheeks. I slowly stood up, watching my mother walk back over to them.

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